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April 9, 2022

Life of many Confusion

Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.

  When you sit here in silence and pulling yourself away from everyone.
Figuring things out on your own like always.

Nobody there by your side, when you actually feel like, it would be nice to have someone to talk too.

But it’s always the same old story at the end of the day.

Sometimes the loneliness really get to you deep down.

You never show it to others and you just continue on, by putting that mask on with a smile.

What is the lesson are we suppose to learn this time around, in this walk of the journey.

Feeling like we just keep on being punished, don’t really know which way to turn or which road to travel.

You question yourself, why do we keep on allowing others to draw us in, when it seems like your emotions gets played like a roller coaster.

That they say one thing and things seems to go well, then the cannonball gets dropped.

Is it the other individuals, who just confused and just don’t know what they actually want in life or is it us, are we just impossible to love and be with, to build a life with in this world.

Why do we keep on experiencing the loss of Love? Will we ever feel the completeness of our journey of life?
Why do we feel like, We are just an option to others at their convenience. We are always there when they want to finally talk, but they are always to busy when we need them to talk too.

Feeling the emptiness, loneliness and many emotions, with no answers.

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