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April 2, 2022

The Love & Sex Spectrum

Photo by on Pexels.

Love. It’s a short, simple word. Yet it contains a plethora of emotions. Love may be experienced in a multitude of ways. As a romance author, it’s my personal mission to explore its many forms.

There are various classifications, such as the love we feel for partners, parents, siblings, friends, ourselves and our children. But even they do not do it justice, for there are different ways to experience each of these. There is a sea of love as vast as the universe.

External factors influence us – energy levels, stress, mental/physical health, previous experience etc.

Having read many articles on sex, I think the same can be applied to that also. I’ve created a little chart to show some key points on a sort of spectrum. However, this is by no means linear, or even circular in reality. One can experience multiple areas at various times. And there are many options in between.

I’ve also applied elements to each key point. The fire of lust is most often, but not exclusively, felt in the throes of a new relationship. There is the grounding exploration of solo sex. Or do you know that lazy Sunday morning? You both wake up together, feeling tingly. Effortlessly, without rush, your bodies entwine in languorous bliss – like a slow breath of fresh air. Then we find the invigorating waters of tantra – your mind, body and soul fully weave together to embody pleasure at its most intense.

Like love, in trying to define sex, we stumble across the multitude of experiences. People will often disagree on descriptions as we each associate different sensations and emotions with sex. And we meet intimacy at our own level. And I’m not truly trying to provide labels here.

As a hedge witch, I have learned that magick is neither good nor bad – it is the practitioner’s intention which dictates the outcome. And so it is with both love and sex.

Look, there is no one right way. Feel the feelings. Explore and discover what works best for you, without expecting others to share the same opinion.

There is one key difference though; humans can live without sex e.g. people who identify as ACE can be perfectly happy. However, life is a miserable existence without any form of love.

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