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May 11, 2022

Implementing Breathwork into Your Daily Routine

Life is busy and it is so easy for the day to get away from us. Even with the best intentions, our self-care practices can fall to the wayside with all the other distractions that come from day-to-day living.

That is why I love breathwork so much.

As nice as it is to take time out to meditate, we can’t always find that time. Breathwork though, allows us to have mini meditations as often as we want throughout the day. Even if all you do is bring awareness to your breath, you are doing breathwork and accessing its wonderful benefits.

The simplest way to begin adding breathwork into your daily routine is to choose a simple technique. Focus on breathing slower, deeper, and through your nostrils. Once you have that, you’re ready to add it into your day! Of course, you can widen your practice with other techniques if you choose, but it’s not necessary.

Now comes the hard part: remembering to do it. We want to get into a regular habit of checking in with ourselves. The sooner we can remember to breathe, the better our chances of remembering throughout the day.

When you first wake up, simply try to notice your first conscious breath. From there, you can continue for a few breaths with the slow breathing technique outlined above, or any other technique of your choice.

Throughout the rest of your day, set a mental reminder to check in with yourself. You can do this mindful breathing when you’re showering, writing emails, driving…as often as you remember. Each time you breathe, notice any changes in how you’re feeling. This observation will help you to further remember to breathe consciously more often. If you need a little help remember, set a reminder on your phone. The more you practice the easier it will become.

Your nervous system will thank you for adding in this calm breathing throughout your day.

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