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May 2, 2022

The skipping Heart

Photo by Hernan Pauccara on Pexels.

When someone special, comes into your life, naturally making your heart skip a beat or two, it’s the most beautiful feeling ever.

They definitely the one to keep close, cherish every precious moment. Hold them close to your heart every day.

Hold and Comfort them in your loving arms.

Show that special person, how truly special, they really are to you.

Fulfill each other’s heart, with love, happiness and joy.

Be the one to uplift them, giving them the inspiration and the love they truly deserve.

When they are giving you their time, always do the same in return and give them your time.

Always be kind and gentle with each other.

Be each other’s world, love each other unconditionally.

That one special Love, will be the one capture your heart. Bring down your walls so easily.

Always keep the skipping heart and the sparks alive within each other.

Falling in Love, with one special person, is the greatest and most valuable thing ever.

They will be the one you think about, every morning to start your day, when you awake. They will be the one, you think about, when you lay your head down to rest in the evening.

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