June 30, 2022

The abortion reversal? It’s even worse than we might imagine.

The abortion reversal? It’s even worse than we might imagine.

This is scary:

“So, abortion is illegal in my state now, and if folks don’t vote in the midterms & GOP takes Presidency, in the whole USA.

But I can still go get a safe abortion somewhere,” we might think.

Maybe wrong, depending on enforcement in your state. Your phone is tracking you, as is your laptop or desktop. Law enforcement can use your searches, texts, emails, and even *location* as evidence.

Text your family “oh my god I’m pregnant?” Evidence. Go to a Planned Parenthood for an hour? Even just to ask questions? Evidence. Search for abortion providers or regarding health concerns? Evidence. Menstruation apps? Could be evidence, unless you’re using a secure one (Clue and a little-known astronomy-based period tracker, Stardust).

Thoughts? Mine are: win the gaddamn midterms. Secure the Presidency, or this is gonna get bad on top of bad, quick. Same is already happening re climate crisis (big bad ruling today that EPA can’t…fight climate crisis?!, another one expected soon), and guns.

A comment on this article, and my reply:

Yes we should all vote. But the current electoral system rewards partisanship and red states. Real political change can only come from changing the system. Right now it’s kinda like telling Russians to vote to end the war in Ukraine—a nice thought that won’t lead to any real change.

My reply:
Exactly true (first half) and backward (second half). We are up against an uneven playing field, depending on where we live, and via the electoral college re the presidency specifically. We have to vote harder, not less, to re-even that playing field so that a vote is a vote. Reform is needed, and it won’t happen if those who believe in democracy don’t vote and hold and keep electoral power.

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