July 24, 2022

Let your Light Shine: New Moon in Leo. {July 28/29}


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“Whether it’s science or magic, if it’s of fun benefit, enjoy!” ~ ed

We all have a fire burning inside of us, and it’s time to turn it up.

With the new moon in Leo on July 28/29, we are invited to do just that.

Leo is fixed fire—the campfire that burns all night, crackling and popping, providing a heat source to roast marshmallows and create joy through the laughter of loved ones. It is loyal and stable, and it wants us to shine.

Last night, I attended a fundraiser where the hosts were raising money for schools and drinking water in a nearby village. There were creatives all around—musicians serenading us with the intricate sounds of jazz, a woman painting as she took in the sounds of the music, and children running around barefoot on the grass as the rain fell from the night’s sky.

One of the children came inside to chat with his caregiver and said, “I don’t want to sit down, I want to have fun!

As soon as I heard those words, I froze. My heart sank into the pit of my stomach as I was reminded I haven’t allowed myself enough space to have fun.

Children can be our best teachers.

The shadow side of Leo is to close off to fun and to overcompensate in other ways. As a fixed sign, Leo can feel the need to control the situation when it feels insecure or self-conscious, dimming its light due to the fear of what happens next.

At the highest expression, Leo is shining confidently in its essence (much like its ruler, the sun) and providing inspiration and energy to everyone touched by its presence.

This new moon is a new beginning for all of us in how we express our creativity, our essence.

Where have I been dimming my light? How have my fears been holding me back from full authentic expression?

And a reminder: creativity comes in many forms; it’s not only putting a paintbrush to paper. It’s creating laughter from the bottom of our sacrum, it’s making a steaming hot cup of coffee in the morning; it’s writing; it’s a true smile.

Leo rules the heart, so as long as our actions are heart-centered and led by the heart, beautiful things are bound to be created.

Imagine what the world would be like if everyone led with their open heart.

What a magical place it would be.

The moon and sun are trining Jupiter during this new moon in Leo, giving us an extra boost of optimism. Jupiter is in Aries, allowing us to really focus on our individuality.

What do I need in order to feel safe to express myself?

Children don’t think about how others might feel if their light is big, they just shine. That is our invitation under this new moon; just shine.

As Dr. Seuss once said, “Today you are you, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is you-er than you.” You are special, and that is the gift. You are the gift you give to the world—please don’t do a disservice to us by holding it back.

So, please, let me know in the comments what your intention is for this new moon in Leo.


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Kaitlyn Ramsay  |  Contribution: 14,000

author: Kaitlyn Ramsay

Image: snakes.n.roses/instagram

Editor: Catherine Monkman