July 5, 2022

Roe v. Wade Overturned—What the F*ck? 

Overturned? What the f*ck?

The news breaks, and silence surrounds my soul.

Roe v. Wade has been over-f*cking-turned; I text every woman I’ve ever met in my life.

It all began when one pregnant woman went to two female attorneys, Linda Coffee and Sarah Weddington who were recent graduates of the University of Texas Law School. They filed suit in the District Court for the Northern District of Texas on behalf of “Jane Roe” arguing the Texas law was “cruel” and “inadequate,” especially for poor women who couldn’t afford to travel to other states to get legal abortions.

Three women changed the course of history. Until today.

Overturning Roe v. Wade is goddamn cruel and inadequate.

It was on December 13, 1971 when arguments began before the Supreme Court. When all was said and done, the court ruled “that a woman has an absolute right during the first three months of pregnancy to decide whether to bear her child.”

Today’s decisions affect 36 million women.

If you thought you had a tough fight on your hands with three women 50 years ago, you have no clue what 36 million women can do.

This is far from over.


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Sharon A. DeNofa  |  Contribution: 202,745

author: Sharon A. DeNofa

Image: Derek French/Pexels

Image: Michelle Al Bitar