July 21, 2022

We know this.

Fear isn’t scary.

Stress isn’t stressful.


What’s scary is not making friends with our fear. Our stress. What’s hard on us is our reaction to fear, or stress.

We know this: breathe. We know this: communicate to loved ones openly.

We know this.


Right now, Elephant is struggling. Not with you. Not with readers. We have 10s of 1000s of subscribers. What we’re struggling with is The Algorithm. The Man: Big Tech, has absorbed or destroyed just about all of indie media.

Help us move forward, with confidence, with stability. Subscribe.

Read. Share. Write.

Open this newsletter, more often than not, and find something to inspire your day.

If you do so, if we can add 960 subscribers to our count, day by day—we can move forward, survive, and thrive, into a new generation.

Because this crazy willy wonderful awful world needs independent community, not just social media.

Doesn’t it?

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Waylon Lewis  |  Contribution: 815,775