July 26, 2022

When I say “poor me,” and mean it, everyone responds.

When I say “poor me,” and mean it, everyone responds.

When I ask for help, no one responds.

When I share nuance and am fair to those I disagree with, no one responds, of if they do, they object.

When I share an overly strong opinion, whether correct or not, folks love it.

When I complain about something ridiculous, the comments go 200 deep with folks arguing with one another.

This is social media. This is intentional. It is Big Tech, it is The Man, and He is not here to help us learn, educate one another, come together. He is here to profit. To push extremes, usually, since those extremes lead to clicks.

Elephant represents something else. An island in a rising sea of extremism, certainty, ignorance, despair.

Elephant is here for you to use: elephantjournal.com/post

Elephant is here for you to read: elephantjournal.com/best

Elephant is here at all because you subscribe: elephantjournal.com/subscribe

Elephant is here for you to friend one another, to DM one another, and soon we’ll have groups for further community.

Elephant is here, for now. I’ve had to lay off 6 sterling, caring editors this month alone. Please help. Help by getting involved, in any way. If you don’t—if you keep only using IG, FB, Netflix, whatever—we will disappear beneath the waves.

If you do, we will be here, serving you and the greater good, for another 20 years.

May it be of benefit!

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Waylon Lewis  |  Contribution: 909,560