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August 21, 2022

11 Hilarious Covid-season Quips to Insane Music Hits.

Photo by Monstera on Pexels.

“The main evolutionary significance of humor is that it gets us from the closed mode to the open mode quicker than anything else.” ~ John Cleese


There’s been no shortage of collective tragedy & grief since Covid-19 wreaked havoc in our families, communities, countries and every corner of our world in 2020.  I’m sure if we were to sit together in a Zoom session and share with each the things that are currently breaking our hearts now, a few hours just won’t be enough.

There’s time, space and value in sharing our heartbreaks but, for this moment in our shared history when things feel especially heavy, can we just try to fill the cracks in our hearts with just a little bit of…silliness?!  Why?  To pause, take a breath, wake up, soften, be vulnerable, help keep our hearts open and simply continue:

“Buddhist philosopher Joanna Macy says that when your heart breaks, the universe can pour through. That is how it is. When the universe pours through, so, too, does the creativity of the universe. How many comedians are funny in spite of and because of deep tragedies in their life, which have opened their souls up to the ultimate paradoxes of living? Humor and paradox are often the only ways to respond to life’s sorrows with grace. Humor, too, seems built into the fabric of the universe, so filled with paradox and surprise and uncanny combinations.”

~ Matthew Fox, “Creativity: Where the Divine and Human Meet”

Maybe a little silly humor is exactly what we need right now so we can each continue being an optimist or “someone who figures that taking a step backward after taking a step forward is not a disaster; it’s more like a cha-cha.”

Now I don’t have any jokes of my own to share (lucky you!), but I’ve found the perfect mix of ridiculously popular music videos on YouTube and hilariously wise-ass comments from ordinary people like you and me from all over the world during this Covid-season.  I hope you too enjoy a belly-laugh at their quips and dance any which way you want to and take a step or more forward in your own life while tuning in again to these insane music hits:


“Let’s all of us together sing our corona anthem…”

(Jinitaa Mehta on “Tragedy” by Steps)


“I love how the field dancers are practicing social distancing.”

(Madison David on Dreamlover by Mariah Carey)

“Girls really wanna have fun but corona said ‘No.’”       

(TikTok Mashups on Girls Just Wanna Have Fun” by Cyndi Lauper)


“I’m in my late 70’s. I remember when this song was released. My girlfriend and I danced and danced to this song. We loved it. I am still dancing, only alone now. My dog thinks the old man has lost it because I dance around the house when I listen to this song. LOL. (When) I turn the volume up, I (can just hear my) neighbors saying, ‘He is partying again.’ LOL.”

(Charles Mott on “Wake Me Up Before You Go-go” by Wham)


“I can’t imagine the mentality of a person who dislikes this masterpiece.”

(Rachith Amarasinghe on “Don’t Stop Me Now” by Queen)


“The guitar riff that has tortured teen guitarists’ parents since 1987…”

(Guitar Lessons BobbyCrispy on “Sweet Child O’ Mine” by Guns N Roses)

“…when everyone does their part in a group project.”

(Mimi Lam on “Lady Marmalade” by Christina Aguilera, Lil’ Kim, Missy Elliot, Mya & Pink)

“I lost my cassette tape of their album, and I still can’t get over it.”

(Daddy Ipps TV on “Wannabe” by the Spice Girls)


“Why am I seeing this (only) 8 years later? Wow, that was really amazing….loved it.”

(Natasha Arnfield on “100 Ladies Flash-dancing Beyonce’s ‘Single Ladies’ on Piccadilly Circus”)


“It never gets old. This mystery needs to be studied seriously.”

(John Stuart on “All I Want for Christmas is You” by Mariah Carey)

“I find it hilarious that they gave the line ‘the bitter sting of tears’ to Sting.”

(Seokjun An on “Do They Know It’s Christmas Time?” by Band-Aid in 1984)

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