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August 5, 2022

The 7 Mirrors of the Soul

Photo by Ismael Sanchez on Pexels.

How many times do you look in a mirror in a day?

Do you ever taken a moment to gaze beyond the image you see?

Because the world we see outside of ourselves is merely an illusion and shadow realm…

… it is just a reflection of the reality we have created with our words and thoughts.

Have you ever wondered what the universe is trying to convey to you? Maybe the people you meet are behaving badly or you are attracting a set of circumstances that you are not comfortable with?

All that is happening is a reflection of you inner world, mirroring back whatever needs to be addressed or changed.

What we are doing is manifesting a set of circumstance to us by the way we feel or think.

Every human on the earth (whether they know it or not), is an initiate in the Mystery School that we call Life.

The world we live in is also a magical realm.

This world is an action / reaction world, known as the ‘plane of demonstration’.

Where (our) consciousness creates reality. We manifest and magnetize all of the people / events / happenings into our lives according to our (states of) consciousness.

Through self-awareness and wisdom, we can recognize mirrors as they show up, and we would accelerate our souls evolution, and our emotional understanding (and integration / neutralization / reprogramming) of the mirror.

To know and master oneself in this world of illusion / mirrors / god given magic, we will see one or more combinations of reflections of patterns in others (that we too hold within us).

The universe does not discriminate upon what it mirrors to us. It is unconditionally loving, reflecting to you exactly whatever it is that you are projecting outwards — positive or negative. Unconditional love does not pity, it respects.

The Universe believes in you and respects you enough to unconditionally show you what you are projecting outward, for your growth and expansion to occur. In its mercilessness is absolute mercy.

The 7 Mysteries of Self:

  1. The Mystery of the FIRST MIRROR reflects what we are, in that moment.Within the mystery of the first mirror, we see the reflection (and image) of ourselves and any emotions we are sending out to the universe, world, and others, in the present moment.

    What we see outside in our world is an exact reflection of what we are. What this means is the way we feel in any given moment always gets reflected back to us, by the world, and by others.

    What we’re always seeing in the present moment is a reflection of our dominant state of being (belief, thought, expectation, etc); whether it is anger, sadness, happiness, or love.

    Anything we broadcast and send out (to the world and the people around us) is what we see coming back to us. Whatever frequency we’ve been vibrating at or on, we’ll see it echo out and expressed in front of us at all times.

  2. The Mystery of the SECOND MIRROR reflects what we’re judging (most dislike) in another, in that moment.

    Within the mystery of the second mirror, we see the reflection of exactly what we’ve been judging, in the present moment.This typically appears as something that has wounded us in the past, have not forgiven, and expect from others (in ways we consciously or unconsciously deem unlikable).

    Anything we judge, condemn, or carry a charge for, we’ll attract into our lives.

    For example: If we’re surrounded by people who generally model the types of behaviours that cause us to feel frustration, get charged up when it happens, or it triggers negative feelings (like anger) when they happen, it would be beneficial to contemplate on if our environment is showing us ourselves, in the present moment and start becoming aware.

    Or if we know for a fact that these behaviours are not ours, then what we’re most likely seeing is what we’re judging and disliking in another.

  3. The Mystery of the THIRD MIRROR reflects what we have lost, given away, or stolen, when we look into their eyes.

    Within the mystery of the third mirror, we see the reflection in our reality of what’s been lost, stolen, or given away, by the beautiful sensation when we look into someones eyes.Through these magical encounters, when this happens we feel an electric shock and are suddenly magically drawn to them and want to spend as much time as possible with them.

    This elusive mirror manifests when we feel drawn to the presence of someone (who embodies what was lost) who when we look into their eyes. When this happens, our body expresses a physiological response.

    It feels like an electrical charge, a strong sexual attraction, a magnetic connection, an intense craving for them, or even the feeling of (falling in) love with them. It’s feels as though there’s an invisible thread connecting us to them.

    Often times, many people often confuse this feeling with the concept of a soul mate (which it can be).

    But, when in practice, they’re most likely reflecting to us our inner longing for a long lost part of ourselves as it’s only a magnetic attraction not necessarily a romantic one. Although many tend to get the two confused.

  4. The Mystery of the FOURTH MIRROR reflects our deepest most forgotten love (way of life / loss / unfinished relationship / addictive and compulsive behaviours).Within the mystery of the fourth mirror, we see the reflection in our reality of our most forgotten love (i.e. a way of life, a loss, or unfinished relationship). This one has a bit of a different quality.

    This mirror allows us to see ourselves transparently in the presence of a potentially compulsive behaviour (i.e. pattern, behaviour, compulsion, addiction, etc).

    These behaviours become so important that we’re willing to rearrange everything in order to accommodate it. These states of dependence, impulses, and compulsion unknowingly keeping us away from what we want most in life.

    Little by little, as these addictions unfold over time, we gradually give away the things that are truly the most important to us (our life energy). These unconscious behaviours keep us away from our Soul, our higher-self, peace, confidence, success, loved ones, etc. And it happens so slow and so gradual that we’re not aware of it even taking place. Until we are in too deep.

    These states can show up as: issues of control, addiction to sex, need for money, need to create money and abundance, etc; with the most common addictions being: alcohol, stimulants, nicotine, drugs, food, etc. It doesn’t even need to be drugs or alcohol. It can be a desperate need and desire for control / be perfect / have as much money as possible / have as much sex as possible and compare ourselves with others, etc.

    At any time we have the opportunity to recognize limiting beliefs and patterns and in doing so we find wholeness and (its) healing — rather than experiencing more of it, which would be taking the addiction to its extreme (polarity).

  5. The Mystery of the FIFTH MIRROR reflects what we have been shown by our interactions with our parents / guardians / caregivers from childhood / our relationship with God and Creation (our Divine Father / Mother dynamic).Within the mystery of the fifth mirror, we see the reflection in our reality of our relationship with our mother and father, and with creation / existence.

    This is perhaps the single most powerful pattern of them all. It represents the most sacred relationships we’ll ever know: the ones between ourselves and our Heavenly Mother and Father. It’s a very powerful, yet subtle mirror.

    Through this mirror we’re provided the chance to entertain the possibility that our earthly parents’ actions are reflecting our beliefs and expectations of the divine.

    Our parents are our first window to the world and introduced us to it through the course of our childhood.

    Therefore we can understand on a deeper level our perceptions of own self, and more on why we do what we do, and why we’ve lived the life we’ve lived. More so than any other mirror.

    There’s also a common saying that we “marry our mother / father”. Often we become them, acting out the same patterns of behaviour (healthy / unhealthy) we learned as a kid.

    When we are children, our parents are like Gods to us.

    The relationship we have with ourselves, others, and the God / Higher Power Principle can carry the same notes, correspondences, and frequencies, as our parental relationships.

  6. The Mystery of the SIXTH MIRROR reflects the dark side of our mind and consciousness.Within the mystery of the sixth mirror, we see the reflection in our reality of our souls spiritual quest for darkness. It represents the journey and experience through the dark nights of the soul (i.e. the shadow / nadir points, etc) and the divine subconscious.

    Here we meet our greatest and most challenging periods, fears, deep inner work, and once complete, healing (a.k.a. The repressed parts of ourselves that we have condemned will be reflected back to us by people or circumstances that show up in our life).

    These are the lessons we must learn and make it through to the other side, in order to develop our souls. Thankfully, our souls know that God only gives us what we can handle.

    These mirrors are only reflected when we’ve amassed all the internal tools we need to deal with them, and until that happens, we won’t yet see ourselves in any of the situations that will demand demonstration of these new high levels of self-mastery (to prove to ourselves we can do it).

    These reflected lessons and challenges must be learned in order to reach the next iteration of self and next level of our life. The lessons and challenges we find in this mirror assist us with levelling up and building essential tools along the way, such as resilience, confidence, trust, clarity, power, and fearlessness (a.k.a. self-mastery).

    These moments take us completely out of our comfort zones and get us accessing inner resources we never even knew we had.

    Therefore, this mirror offers us the choice to either show up as a powerful creator or a victim, in all the moments of our lives. Equipped with all the tools, understanding and wisdom to confront and heal them. Simple as that.

  7. The Mystery of the SEVENTH MIRROR reflects the appearance of our self-perception.Within the mystery of the seventh mirror, we see the most subtle reflection in our reality of our own self-perception. This one is the most subtle. It represents the mirror of our self-concept both conscious and subconscious.

    This mirror shows us that everything that ever happens in our lives is in Divine Order and requires our total acceptance and surrender to it.

    As above, so below, As within, so without. As the universe, so the Soul. Here we see the reflection of our inner selves as we compare ourselves to the world. We see that when we judge or criticize ourselves it’s because we’ve compared ourselves (to another).

    Because judgement isn’t possible when there is no point for comparison. We’re already perfect, worthy, deserving and every aspect is as it should be, until we compare ourselves to others (i.e. of our personal life: body shape, body weight, academic, business, athletic, spiritual achievements).

    The only reason we ever see anything but perfection was if we compared ourselves to another.

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