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August 24, 2022

Twin Flames an Inner Truth

Photo by Jasmine Carter on Pexels.

Twin flames are often romanticized but rarely explain the inner truth. What follows is an inner perspective of what twin flame is really about.

The idea of a twin flame that is typically assumed is only a metaphor for what it actually is. It is like many of Jesus’s quotes. They were metaphors for deeper hidden meanings. Lets begin by saying that every human being has a male and female aspect within them. These aspects are the metaphor for human relationships, “as above, so below”  “on earth as it is in heaven” are common spiritual quotes that tell us this.The following is an over simplified explanation.

The female aspect is the dreamer, the imagination, the nurturer, the force behind everything that is manifested, the spirit/soul.

The male aspect is the aspect that is the human, physical, active in the manifesting, and display and caretaker of what the female part envisions/dreams or imagines.

Unlike this world where the male and female are at odds with each other the female and male are true partners that are in harmony and their union is the birth of a child that is the human that you are in this life.

That last explanation was the outer version of what the twin flame is. The inner version is the divine male and female aspect of your soul that when in full union in a human being awakens/births the inner christed human or divine human being.

Keep in mind we live in a polarized, twin flame/system, universe where there is opposites by the laws of spiritual physics. Therefore there must be the metaphor of female and male as they equate to the negative and positive while the child relates to neutral (the same laws of physical polarity that relate to electricity). As in electricity negative and positive do not equate to bad/evil and good/heavenly, they are simply two aspects that are required to create.

From the inner meaning twin flames have nothing to do about gender, race, other people or romance.

In the end the true twin flame we as humans seek is the union within ourselves not with another person.Hence the idea of self love. Self love is the union of these two aspects/ twin flames and the integration, birth of the divine/spiritual/Christ child within.

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