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October 7, 2022

But I Am – A Poem About Acceptance

But I Am

It hurts to think about doing the thing

It hurts to let go of the thing

It hurts to try and forgive the thing

It hurts to wish for the thing

It hurts to lose the thing

It hurts to have never had the thing

It hurts to chase the thing

It hurts to give up on the thing

It hurts to see the thing

It hurts to hear the thing

It hurts to touch the thing

It hurts to not be able to touch the thing

But still I am the thing.

But I am the beginning of the thing

But I am the manifestation of the thing

But I am the creator of the thing

But I am the lover of the thing

But I am the mover of the thing

But I am the skin and bones of the thing

But I am the heart of the thing

But I am the longing of the thing

But I am the whole of the thing

But I am

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