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October 8, 2022

What we think of is the energy we will gravitate too!

Season are passing, time is dying, we are getting older. Some of our dreams are coming true some of them are still in process and some we didn’t discover yet. Living every day wondering who are we? What we will be some day? Or if we will be what we dreamed about the whole childhood phase? Those questions will be running around our head the whole teenage phase. But will the feeling about those questions make us drown?

We all know that when we want something we keep thinking about it the whole time, we start to imagine scenarios or create some stories about some situations to keep the feeling alive and the desire about it strong. We keep watching other people who achieved their dreams, we keep watching movies to see how the cycle work around, read books to develop our mindset. But what we keep a blind eye on it is that sometimes we must listen to that voice and feel the flame inside us, even if it sounds stupid at first but this is what we want deep down this is what we want to become, and this is what we will lead us to become who we must become.

Some of us dreams to become a famous artist, other dreams to have their own big business. And some dreams to live their life on different level creating their own world and living life on their own terms.

The feeling is like being on a ship riding the waves of the storm, it’s never stable, never quiet, every wave we ride in each storm we face will lead us somewhere. Maybe not where we want to be, but a road to experience things to get where our destiny is.

Yes, sometimes we will feel down, empty with no purpose just because the road is long and though, sometimes we will feel depressed because we are not there yet, and sometimes we will enjoy some moments that give us the feeling that we want to feel, the scene that we want to see.

Many times, we will feel lost, drown, seeking for help, just asking for a small silver lining to stay consistent to our dreams. Although we might get off the road searching for something else, something near, something that we saw people succeed in, but not what we want, just because we didn’t get there yet! And we feel useless.

Who said that the road would be easy? Who said we will have our dreams served on a plate of gold that easily? Who said we can’t make it? Just because we are not their yet doesn’t means that we are not going to succeed. Just because some people were lucky to find an easy road, doesn’t mean that our road going to be so much hard.

And sometimes facing and feeling the pain and the tiredness of the road is what will make us shine and enjoy living the dream.

Once a man said to me “ People will always remember the good and bad because they are feelings that makes you happy or sad, but this means that you are alive, and sometimes life gets in the way, sometimes things don’t go as planned, but if you still breathing there’s always a new day to make memories… the sun will always come up in the morning and the moon will always come out at night, so between the sun coming up and the moon out, whatever you do and how you are with people is permanent, and this will help you to work and stay consistent to become who you want to become.”

We should never mute the voice inside us, never quite when it gets hard, never stop trying to get there. We always must keep our chin up and reaching for what we want we have all the time in the world to work and become what we most desire to become. We should never feel abounded and let the negative thoughts take place, because it’s taking time, instead we should enjoy the process because to have a solution the reaction needs the right time to process.

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