November 14, 2022

If you love football/soccer & don’t love FIFA/Qatar: how to watch the World Cup.

How to watch the World Cup without supporting FIFA.

Whether you love Dua Lipa, don’t love slavery, don’t love FIFA, used to respect David Beckham, love football (soccer) and the World Cup, don’t love homophobia…or just love laughing, this story is for you.

Dua Lipa, one of the rare celebs who showed support for Palestinians, who spoke up against DaBaby promptly, refuses to play at the World Cup in Qatar, because of…Qatar, and FIFA. Unlike, apparently, celebs like Bella Hadid, Beckham, Shakira, BTS, and other sell-outs who don’t care that the World Cup in Qatar “has pretty much been built on the corpses of immigrant workers.”

“There have been 37 deaths among workers directly linked to construction of World Cup stadiums, of which 34 are classified as “non-work related” by the event’s organising committee. Experts have questioned the use of the term because in some cases it has been used to describe deaths which have occurred on the job, including a number of workers who have collapsed and died on stadium construction sites.”


r/Deuxmoi - Dua Lipa clarifies that she will NOT be performing at Qatar

What’s the problem with Qatar, or FIFA you ask?

A few comments from Reddit outline it reasonably well:

Stadiums built in Qatar were built by workers treated like slaves. Watch FIFA uncovered on Netflix to an idea of how corrupt FIFA is

And they aren’t big on women’s rights. And they are anti-LGBT, to the point where you can get a death sentence

And the world cup was literally bought. I think the stat is that everyone who voted for Qutar (and most who voted for Russia 2018) have been investigated/charged with corruption
I don’t understand what is so fun about hosting a world event in one of the most oppressing, boring places ever:

No gays

No lesbians

No overt displays of affection

No drinking

No drugs

No partying

No gambling

No loud, questionable music

No women with uncovered hair

Really just no women out in public please

No overt displays of foreign religious practices

No swearing

Like wtf do people do for fun?? Just huff a shit ton of tobacco or is that banned, too?


And what about sell-out Beckham, you ask? 

“Beckham, who has historically supported gay fans and players, will earn as much as £150m as an ambassador for the Qatar World Cup, despite the country outlawing same-sex relationships and concerns over its record on human rights.”

So if we love football, is FIFA bad for the game we love? Sarcasm incoming: 

“[Games] can’t be fixed, FIFA have said the games are above reproach so I’m sure there’s absolutely no corruption going on. I’m sure there’s absolutely no PEDs involved at many levels of the game, nor are refs making incredibly weird decisions that just solely be down to institutional failures of training rather than blatant corruption.”

So, got a quandary like this gent? 

“I’ve never watched the World Cup, and I wouldn’t watch this one either… but my home country, Canada, qualified for the first time in almost 40 years, so I do wanna watch this year’s World Cup. Sucks that it’s in Qatar.”


“If you watch make sure to do so on “unofficial” streams”: If you need help sailing the high seas

“If FIFA made an Honest commercial”
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