December 19, 2022

Avoid sullying our world as you post to Instagram about it.

“Currently: Tulum. Next: Bali. Then, Australia. Last month: Hawaii.”

I see a lot of that on Insta.

If we’re traveling the planet all year, we’re hurting the planet all year.

Travel is one of those things. It’s vital, it can be life-expanding, heart-expanding…but, if by plane, car, it’s also awful for our planet. Please train, and subway, more. Please offset, more. Wherever we go, if we can, walk, bike. You’ll get to know where you are, far more, far deeper, now. Don’t uber/lyft. At least support local cabs.

And most importantly, wherever you go, avoid the chains. Support local in all purchases. Don’t buy the trinkets made in China…unless you’re in China. In Paris? Buy the beret made a France.

Avoid sullying our world as you post to Instagram about it. Dive deep into the local—that’s why you’re traveling, right, to experience something different, new, unique? Support local BnBs, not Airbnb, generally (exception: if the owner lives on the premises). Support local hotels, not chains. Go through them directly, not hotels.com and the like (if you do, give ’em a chance to match, first). Camp, if you can…the whispering wind will guide you as well as google maps, but in a different way.

Ask questions. Get lost. Speak the language, however clumsily—try. Usually we’ll be rewarded for trying, instead of bullying in with our comfort zone.

I’ve been taught most of this by friends who taught me how to travel. Another tip: if you find a spot you absolutely love, don’t be shy about going back. I always used to love to explore everywhere, see everything…but going back to that delightful spot is a way to deepen your experience and make even momentary relationships that help you feel the land where you are.

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