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December 14, 2022

responded to life when it feels unfair.

You’re going to be “tested” in this existence by wounded people and unfair situations. 

This year has been full of that for me (and thank Universe I am leaving it all behind in 2022) and while I allowed mySelf to vent, to be human, to feel the feels and go to support by those in my circle, what I also did was bring it back to me. 

Not in blame or shame, sometimes life just isn’t fair. But what I did was say, “Okay, this person/situation is shitty” I can be made and in doing so give them/it more power and control over my life. )And to be clear there were moment I couldn’t help but let that part take over.)

Or I can utilize this anger/rage (energy) and create with it. And that’s what I ultimately always choose.

I let it boil and bubble, I ground into the earth. I feel my fire rise, I breathe, I pray and I create. I create with deep intention to transform the bullshit into beauty, the pain into love. I create with the intention to make the world a better place. I find a way to serve (especially those who experienced something similar to me) and I move forward, all the wiser, all the more powerful. 

It’s not easy, there were plenty of nights I howled to the Universe about the “injustice of it all” I cried myself to sleep, I felt old shadows of being undeserving of ease come up. But I did the work, I stayed in my knowing, in my faith, and I chose ME. 

I share this to say, if you’re hurting, if your situation feels unfair, if life isn’t going exactly right. Im truly sorry, your feelings are valid, AND it is possible reclaim your power. 


Nikyla Maria

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