January 31, 2023

“Big Oil Bought my Favorite Science Influencer.”

The truth behind the lies our favorite Influencers & TV stars tell.

Yes, she’s lying to you on IG. Yes, he’s lying to you on TV. ~ Waylon

It could be a full-time job, calling out BS and outright bought-and-paid-for hucksterism on Instagram and TV and in movies.

In fact, it is my full-time job, or a part of it. Luckily, I have help from many, many good humans with far more knowledge than I have in specific areas…like electricification, school buses, climate crisis, and propane.

Do you care about your children, their asthma, your pocketbook, our planet not heating up and flooding and going into drought all at once? Well then, here’s a fun one:


Beware the bought-and-paid-for shills…

As she mentions nearly 8 minutes in, this corrupt BS was just examined on the cover of the NY Times: The New Soldiers in Propane’s Fight Against Climate Action: Television Stars.

“In 2023, the organization plans to spend $13 million on its anti-electrification campaign, including $600,000 on “influencers” like Mr. Blashaw, according to the documents, which were obtained from PERC’s website as well as a public records request by the Energy and Policy Institute, a pro-renewables group.”


Relephant bonus from one of the best channels on Youtube:

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Waylon Lewis  |  Contribution: 858,670