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March 25, 2023

The secrets of your spiritual life plan

When we experience a crisis, we ask why this fate overtakes us. Less consideration is given to the thought that we have a spiritual life plan that may be responsible for it. But there is more to this spiritual life plan than bad times. Here you will learn the secrets of your spiritual life plan.

Who are your partners in your spiritual life plan?

The plan hides fixed points that you should experience in life. Your karma is very closely related to the life plan. Your life plan itself is basically the stage on which karma can or should be reduced. Your karma itself cannot be worked on if there are no tasks. And for every task, there are people in your life to help you with it. These people come into your life and leave you at some point. Your spouse, your parents or friends can be among these karmic partners.

The fixed points in your soul plan and way of life

It can be said that the spiritual soul plan and your way of life is like a movie with actors and a script. But we experience this film as real life. Important decisions are made at fixed points in the life plan. This can be a new job, a new place of residence, the birth of a child or the death of a partner.

In addition, the classic fixed points are important encounters with people such as deep friendships or the spouse. The animals must not be forgotten either. They can also play an important role in your life and be an integral part of your spiritual life plan. This also applies to other people who exceed your life plan. But not every encounter with people in your life has to do with your personal karma.

  • Parents play a big role in your destiny

But your parents could play a strong role in your destiny and give you big tasks. Sometimes we try to solve this problem all our lives. Your parents may not have given you the love you need. Or you had to find out that you weren’t wanted. Another important person in the life plan could be the spouse. This person can also present us with challenges related to karma.

Apart from the fact that the fixed points of the spiritual life plan often also include a karmic task, it is important not to deviate from the life plan. Some people even refuse to live. These people separate themselves mentally and physically from the demands of everyday life.

This could manifest itself in the flight from long-term illnesses, drug addiction or alcoholism. But whoever refuses the way of the life plan will certainly not be happy. There is pain when you don’t get your chores done or don’t even try.

The planets and astrology influence your karmic life path

As a rule, however, we are on the right path of the karmic life plan. We get support from the planets who help us. This is where astrology comes in.

It reveals important information and gives you an insight into your life plan. The planets and their aspects influence us humans. When this happens, we feel an inner urge to do or not to do something. And sometimes we only notice mental moods.

However, if such astrological aspect has a strong effect and creates an urge in us, then a change in life is very likely. This possible change could be an integral part of your spiritual life plan. We see that we are not worried about completing our life plan. Because the planets guide us and make sure we take the next step.

Those who resist this inner urge can hold out for a while. Some people manage not to give in to this inner urge by resisting it. Sometimes the fears are too great to take a risk and initiate change.

Those who do this avoid letting go of old life and stagnating. This also applies to inner spiritual growth. If you want to find out what your spiritual life plan is hiding, you can get information from an astrologer.

Because your own talents and abilities are also decisive for whether the life plan can be fulfilled. But not every little thing is a fixed point in one’s personal spiritual life plan. There is always a big process going on here. It’s always about life changing things. In astrology we can easily recognize such processes of change. Because the personal horoscope can reflect great events in a certain area of ​​life.

If you want to know more about your karma aspects, a karma expert can help you. Often these are spiritual counselors who have extensive knowledge in the field of karma analysis. And an astrologer can provide very good information about your life plan.

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