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March 21, 2023

What Kind of Crazy Are You?

Seriously, what kind of question is this?  How do you want me to answer it? How would you answer it?

What kind of crazy am I?

Hmmm, let’s see. I am the kind of crazy that still believes in me.  In you. In us.

Yep, I am that kind of crazy. After all the shit, all the bad, and all the ugly, I am still crazy enough to believe in a you and me that fit together. I know that is some kinda crazy.

I believe you and I have been walking our paths, falling, dodging, and surrendering to what life has thrown our way. Surely, giving up would have been the sane thing to do. Screw that! We are looking for crazy, remember?

I am the kind of crazy who always sees the glass as half full.

I am the kind of crazy who will always be honest with you.

I am the kind of crazy who will jump on the coffee table on Sunday afternoon for an impromptu dance party just because I feel silly.

I am the kind of crazy who will celebrate your birthday every year, no matter what day it is.

I am the kind of crazy who has crystals and makes moon water.

I am the kind of crazy who loves myself unconditionally and will encourage you to do the same.

I am the kind of crazy who will turn you on to fabulous vegetarian recipes and restaurants.

I am the kind of crazy who will want to travel the world with you.

I am the kind of crazy who takes pictures of every gorgeous sunset.

I am the kind of crazy who chooses you but does not need you.

I am the kind of crazy who knows happiness is an inside job.

The only thing left to know is what kind of crazy are you?

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