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July 28, 2023

Awaken Soul’s Purpose

When we follow our heart, we provide for the innermost, intrinsic, elemental human yearnings, and are fulfilling our purpose on earth.  The Z’s refer to the heart energy as “the most important, abundant, and creational energy on Earth.”  Our hearts represent our soul essence and carry our intuition.  What our souls are craving is connection, expression, expansion.  It sounds so easy, even trite.  Yet, digging into this deeper we find obstacles inside our societal norms of which we are largely unaware.

For example, our minds have been culturally trained to edit what we see, and this is mostly a linear view within certain confines of what is considered okay.  Subtle manipulative language can affect our perspective and sense of truth.  We are trained to be self-judgmental, ashamed of even our thoughts, guilty for not measuring up to someone else’s idea of what is “good or right.”

Unless and until we embrace our sovereignty, operating on someone else’s terms will feel isolating, limiting, even depressing.  Inside we all resonate with truth, with the need to dance into our own evolution, rather than to lock into specific, hard-coded ideals.  The Z’s offer practical advice to help readers free themselves from self-judgment, expand their sense of purpose and heart energy.

I’ve spent my entire life connecting with my loving guides, and have supported my free-spirited lifestyle while engaging in the process of uncovering and undoing programming that doesn’t serve access to my creativity and full expression.  It is my artistic inclination that has guided me to reclaim and re-energize all the parts of my soul, to cultivate the light within and maintain the radiance.  And for me my heart directs my art.  The more I express, the more there is to express, and I continue to discover my multidimensional soul.

Of course, the natural ebb and flow of life has presented huge challenges, yet I trust in the course chosen with heart to be full of the lessons required to fulfill my life purpose.  When reading Awaken Your Multidimensional Soul: Conversation with the Z’s Book Two, by Lee Harris with Dianna Edwards, I have felt affirmed, exhilarated and as though I have increased my vibration.  It is the intention of the authors to provide attunement to anyone who reads it.

Admittedly, I started as a skeptic because I didn’t know Lee Harris, Dianna Edwards, had not heard of the Z’s, nor have I been exposed to very much channeled material.  But when I read the book, I felt as though my knowing was written on the page.  The truth imparted resonated deeply with my most discerning heart awareness, and my experience exploring my essential nature.  In fact, the language used is so like the book I am currently writing it is almost uncannily aligned!

“All human beings bypass mental skepticism when they feel something in their body that is undeniable.” This is true for me!

For those of you who are unfamiliar with the author group, I’ll do my best to explain.

Lee Harris has been channeling a group of 88 beings through their lead communicator for over 23 years.  Dianna Edwards creates a score of questions which she asks the Z’s through Lee, directing the course of the material discussed.  She spends time in the creative zone to gather her plans for the public communications, on audio and in print.  The Z’s are benevolent beings who are assigned the task of helping Earth.

“The biggest trick that was played upon you as humans was to isolate you away in your own minds.  And also invoking shame – telling you what you should be ashamed of in your thoughts…your feelings, what personal truth you would be rejected for by society if you revealed it to them…but at a deep, intrinsic level, you all know that you are connected and you are the same in essence.  And yet you are living in a world that has given you hierarchies around race, around gender, around class, around money – a great deal of illusions that you are all living in as a construct.

So, the threat of separation is constantly around you…Fear is very much a human construct.   And fear is present when disconnection is present.”

Hierarchical perceptions projected on us for control, separation, and fear, are woven into minds and limit potential.  But actually, every person has a unique and valuable purpose on earth, and that role critically interplays with every other person’s unique role.  We are all wildly multidimensional!

“But because the soul has been, shall we say, removed from the conversation of humanity over and over again, people forget.  People forget what they are connected to.”

In this book we are inspired to understand how we can liberate ourselves from limiting perspectives.  That we can change our story, and that we are not written by the trauma we have experienced.  There is no shame worth having, release it.  Use your mind to stop the replay of negative emotions so you can clear out the low vibrational energy lodged in your body and create a future amplified with your heart energy!

“…Developing intuition in your world is key to a better world for all, not just the individual.”

It is so optimistic to know that a growing percentage of human population is purposefully elevating their energetic vibration, and that consciousness is growing and spreading.  “The work for humanity is to continue to galvanize that attunement in your daily lives so that it becomes more of your ‘normal’ on Earth.”  Using our heart and body awareness as our guides we will naturally invite others into that higher frequency, and reading Awaken Your Multidimensional Soul is a gentle calibration for the future quantum leaps we will be ready to take.

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