5.9 Editor's Pick
September 30, 2023

6 little Tips for Mindful Eating.

Walk the Talk Show with Waylon Lewis presents:

Mindful Mondays, with Waylon Lewis.

“Every Monday, I offer a mindful reminder for our everyday life.” ~ Waylon Lewis 

From the Buddhist tradition, or the mindful traditions, or the yoga tradition, or however-your-parents-wanted-you-to-behave-at-the-dining-table tradition, we can approach our food—which is a huge part of our life and part of our health—more mindfully.

So here’s six little mindful eating tips. You can create an anagram to remember them.

Instead of multitasking when you eat, which is really fun and tempting, we can be fully present with our food. That doesn’t mean you can’t talk with a friend at a dining table or in a restaurant. Doesn’t even mean you can’t watch a movie. The idea is that when you’re eating, you’re going through these six steps.

This isn’t about being “perfectly mindful.” Even if you’re distracted—watching a movie, eating popcorn, at a restaurant, at home eating ice cream—you can always practice these six steps.

You can take them wherever you go and they’re free and they’re powerful and they actually work for me, the world’s least mindful eater.

Watch Waylon’s Mindful Monday video this week:

R – Relax
G – Gratitude
A – Appreciate
S – Smell
C – Chew
* – Pause

Or listen to the podcast version:

Want more? Of course you do! Check out all of Waylon’s full Mindful Monday video series inside our grassroots, ethical home for Walk the Talk Show

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