December 14, 2023

Civil War: Trailer.

This—not World War Z, not horror movies—scares me. I found this trailer unexpectedly moving. I feel like crying, almost. Because, for so many Americans—say 30% of US—we’re one or two steps away from justifying this.

“Set in the near future, the film revolves around the U.S. amid civil war, where government air strikes are used against civilians and journalists are shot on sight in the Capitol. “A race to the White House in a near-future America balanced on the razor’s edge,” the official logline reads.” ~ Variety

Civil War – Trailer – Kirsten Dunst, Wagner Moura, Stephen McKinley Henderson, Cailee Spaeny, Jesse Plemons, Nick Offerman – Following events in the U.S. during a civil war. Government forces attack civilians. Journalists are shot in the Capitol.

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