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December 18, 2023

Enough As You Are, It’s True…Scott Stabile

Most of us humans struggle with our sense of self-worth and intrinsic value.  Instead, we spend loads of time resisting facing the reality of untruth that masks our access to the richness of who we are, the unique energy we were born to express.  The resistance leads to darkness, or at least a sense of missing the mark somehow, leaving one at a loss for feeling on target with life.

It is intrinsic to human nature to desire love and partnership, yet a huge percentage of the population is alone, very alone these days.  How do we solve for this inadequate condition, to live a vibrant life, the one we are destined to fulfill?

Choosing truth is challenging when it is hiding, so the first step in liberation is to determine that truth is the most important thing, and to elect see and act on truth always.  This can mean naming ambiguity, and digging in with all capacity to discern what is true.

Being truth is the next phase, intending to speak the truth, to act on purpose and to love yourself no matter what the truth is.  Shame has no place in evolution.  The voice of your truth speaks softly, like a kitty nudging you under the chin for more affection.  It is your intuition, some call Spirit or soul, that is sharing the guidance for your path of heart.

Your soul’s messages have a specific gentle quality urging awareness.  Therein lies your peace, where you find the perfection of who you are that can allow for all things that are, simply to be.  And that which is not, to be acceptable too.  This balance of understanding is your wholeness and is healthier than seeking perfection that doesn’t exist outside of fantasy.

My sense is that we all suffer from struggling with dichotomy based on others’ definition of a “good” life, while in fact, we need to embrace our multidimensionality instead.  As Scott Stabile says via a hundred quotable lines in his new book, Enough As You Are, to start with the truth, and it will unfold from there.  Every single thing in life plays a part in your becoming.

“And it’s not like you can miss your destiny.”


Wrapping our arms around ourselves in appreciation of who we are and are not, with gratitude and humility, we root in humanity with increased power to love…and that does not mean allowing for any “bullshit” as a doormat!

“I understood that my darkness, as cruel and unbearable as it was sometimes, never stopped contributing to all that made me whole.”

The liberation increases in direct relationship to the degree to which we allow ourselves to be fully expressed, perhaps even wildly.  There is little more beautiful than the humanness of our nature.  We love, and love some more, we learn, and learn some more, we grow, and appreciate the perfection in all that.

When listening to and following our guidance, life is in flow, and that is perfect.  When we deny or defy our guidance, we may hit roadblocks that hurt, darkness that pervades.  And that is perfectly okay too, our free will in action, crafting ourselves the unique life we are destined to lead.

“Every petal

plays its part

in the symphony

of our bloom.”

When we allow ourselves to be loving toward ourselves and relaxed with where we are in life, we give that to others.  Modeling self-love is the greatest gift you can give.

“When we befriend

our own wounds,

we stop demonizing

the wounds of others.”

And we forgive as an act of self-love, while…

“…forgiveness untethers us from the negative bonds of others…” 

You have a friend and guide in Scott Stabile.  He is so vulnerably honest with his process of facing darkness, that you know without a doubt that Scott not only loves himself despite everything, but that he loves YOU!  He sees you.  He stares down your self-doubt with you, squarely in the face, point blank.  All these optimistic thoughts can seem daunting in the actual course of life.  Remember Scott’s words:

“My fear whispered to me,

I am just trying to protect you.

I whispered back,

I know, and I’m stronger than you think.”

He helps you become one with the ocean, the sky, the wind, and the sun in developing courage, tapping into your inherent strength, wisdom, and guidance.

Welcome yourself home as you read Scott Stabile’s inspiring book Enough As You Are.  I promise that his words will help you peel away shadow and insecurity, delivering you squarely in the center of your being, from where you will radiate your authentic self, joyfully and consciously.

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