January 4, 2024

Walking along with a friend when we see a STOP (EATING ANIMALS) sign.


Walking along with a dear friend, we pass a red and white STOP sign. It has a EATING ANIMALS sticker someone stuck beneath it. Cheerfully, I say, aw, that’s nice, someone put that sticker there!

My dear friend says, yeah, except sometimes it feels a little aggressive to me and I don’t love it.

I say, huh, I mean, not to be that vegan person, but you know what I find aggressive? Eating animals.

…And if the “I could stop torturing and killing sentient beings like the cats and dogs I claim to so adore” thing doesn’t get you, the “I could reduce my carbon impact by 1/3 and help save all future generations on this planet” thing should count for something.

But, to most, still, somehow, despite having all the info, the videos, the IG stories…it all amounts to a hill of beans.


A few recent videos:

Many more here. 


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