February 16, 2024

“Alexei Navalny’s message to Russia in case he is killed.” {Video}

“Alexei Navalny’s message to Russia in case he is killed (from the documentary ‘Navalny’).”

Alexei Navalny’s message to Russia in case he is killed (from the documentary ‘Navalny’)
byu/MorgrainX ininterestingasfuck

May his tragic example inspire the 1/3 of Republicans who prefer Putin over Biden to remember what democracy is and why it matters.


Aleksei Navalny, an anticorruption activist who for more than a decade led the political opposition in President Vladimir Putin’s Russia, died Friday in a prison inside the Arctic Circle, according to Russian authorities.

His death was announced by Russia’s Federal Penitentiary Service, which said that Navalny, 47, lost consciousness on Friday after taking a walk in the prison where he was moved late last year. He was last seen on Thursday, when he had appeared in a court hearing via video link, smiling behind the bars of a cell and making jokes. ~ NY Times

Navalny didn’t “die.” He was killed, by Putin. ⁠

Navalny didn’t “die.” He was killed by Putin. ⁠

This 100%, from the NY Times article:

“We have no reason to believe state propaganda,” Volkov wrote on the social platform X. “If this is true, then it’s not ‘Navalny died,’ but ‘Putin killed Navalny,’ and only that. But I don’t trust them one penny.”⁠

Navalny: what a true gutsy hero, he knew what he was facing. All the fancy truck MAGA bullies and Twitter insult warriors know nothing of this kind of bravery. ⁠

Putin’s brand of bravery is thin-skinned and cowardly, hateful and unkind. Navalny’s was about democracy, truth, justice.⁠

Navalny’s murder, after years of persecution, imprisonment, torture, and poisoning, is heartbreaking and predictable both. ⁠”He spent almost 300 consecutive days in solitary where he couldn’t even sit or lay during the day as the bed was retracted and his movements monitored, with chronic illnesses and after surviving novichok. They were literally killing him.” [reddit comment] ⁠
Anyone who ever sides with Putin and his ilk is embracing cruel cowardice.

“To everyone reading this:

Please do not take democracy for granted, it is something we have to fight for day by day. It is in our responsibility to crush any fascist and authoritarian movement in its early days no matter the cost.

Dictators have always risen through brutal and selfish reasons and every person must ensure that they are toppled as soon as they show their hand.”

“Register to vote dang it!” ~ comments


“Navalny most likely knew that it wasn’t a matter of if Putin and his cronies would do him in, it was when.

Brave man he was to stand up to Putin, even braver to return back to Russia after being poisoned.

May he and what he tried to stand for not be forgotten.


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