April 3, 2024

What Will You Choose?


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Why do people stay in miserable relationships?

Is it because of finances?

If one person is totally dependent on the other?

Afraid of hurting the other person?

Comfortable in that misery?

Afraid of the unknown?


Do you really want to spend the rest of your life in misery if given the chance of being happy?

To be truly loved?

Feel appreciated?

It’s in a good person’s heart to want to care for another, however the situation can be toxic to themselves.

You may have regrets of choosing the wrong person years ago for whatever reason but still crave the person you pushed away, who may still want you but will always be leery.

Yes, it’s difficult and scary to break away, but when you do, you’ll be so free.

Free to open your heart.

Free to love.

Free of acceptance.

Free of a genuine connection.

Freedom to be you.

I’ve seen so many people stay for the right but wrong reasons, losing themselves in the process.

There are different kinds of love; just because you love someone doesn’t mean you have to stay with them when you are not happy.

I’ve seen several marriages turn into roommates, because that’s all you are when the physical intimacy is gone, which is a basic human need.

But also don’t settle just so that you won’t be alone.

Being alone makes you stronger.

Helps you discover new things about yourself.

Gives you time to pursue your dreams.

Gives you perspective in what you really want in a partner.

We all want and need companionship, a best friend, true love, awesome lover, and acceptance.

Everything is a choice; what will you choose?



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Laura Booker  |  Contribution: 4,030

author: Laura Booker

Image: muhammedsalah_/instagram

Editor: Lisa Erickson