May 9, 2024

Goodbye Old Friend. {Poem}

{*Did you know you can write on Elephant? Here’s how—big changes: How to Write & Make Money or at least Be of Benefit on Elephant. ~ Waylon}

Goodbye old friend,
I leave you as I found you—
Empty and alone,
All skeleton and bone.

My home for so long,
An extension of my soul…
Silent witness to my fears,
And all my joys and tears.

My happy place—I ran to you
Whether in good cheer or in bad;
You’d wrap me in your loving embrace
‘Til I was no longer sad.

Your warm and welcoming ways
I never will forget.
Not just to me, my friend,
But to everyone you met.

So many memories and emotions
Soaked into these walls,
And secrets I entrusted you—
Stoically, you kept them all.

You watched in helpless silence,
Cold fingers grab my heart
Time and time again, you knew
They’d never make us part.

For when the honeymoon’s over
And the thrill of love is dead,
It was you I’d come home to
And snuggle in your bed.

And all those beautiful souls
Who cared enough to visit,
When the time came to say goodbye,
They left us with their spirit.

Twelve years we had,
Almost exact to the date,
Perhaps just by chance
Perhaps planned by fate.

But as you fade into the past
And I walk out the door,
I know the beauty that I saw in you
Was a reflection of my soul.


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Annabel Bantleman  |  Contribution: 365

author: Annabel Bantleman

Image: Author's own

Editor: Nicole Cameron