July 23, 2015

Echoes of You. {Poem}

You are gone now—

but still your echoes drift
through my life like waves
caressing the shores of my existence.
When I move quickly and often
in body and in mind,
the echoes recede into
the deep reaches of my heart.
But when I stop and I am
I hear them,
beating within me.
Your life grew where
mine did too and we
were echoes of each other.
My blood was yours that
stilled on that day when I
ran and ran and could not get
to you.
You left before I could hold you
once more.
You slipped through my fingers
like the echo of a whisper
of the words I did not want
to hear:
“He’s gone.”
But where?
Where can one soul go
that could seem so far away
And yet so near as to
touch everything
long after you have left?
Your deep voice echoes in
the caverns of my brain.
Your firm, strong hugs echo around
the space between my shoulders.
Your blue-eyed smile echoes in
the crevices of my memory and
the lines and freckles
of my own face.
What space then separates us when
the echoes of you ring through me and
there is no way to tell
where they end
and I begin?



Losing a Sibling: Life after Death.


Author: Khara-Jade Warren

Editor: Toby Israel

Image: Unsplash

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