October 14, 2015

Dear Soul Sister, Thank you for Believing in Me.



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There is a sacred bond between women; a sisterhood more powerful than we’d ever dream.

When we connect with each other in a real way, the divinity within us sparks to life, making magic—and just the right amount of trouble.

I dedicate this piece to every woman who has helped me on my journey. There are so many of you. Each one of you shines so brightly, so magnificently. As I cry salty tears of thankfulness onto this page, I hope these words can express all the pearls of gratitude that rest softly in my heart.

Friendship really can heal.

Dear soul sister,

I would not be standing here if it weren’t for you.

I did not always feel okay. I was anxious. I was sad. I hated myself. I was so lost. All my luscious dreams and hopes, my vibrant goals and wild wishes—they did not seem remotely possible, until recently.

But you always believed in me.


Thank you.

Thank you for seeing the beauty in my eyes when I felt invisible and under-appreciated, swallowed up by the world’s pain, unable to bear the thought of looking at myself.

Thank you for never telling me to shut up or dull myself down—but encouraging me to speak louder and shine brighter and love harder.

Thank you for showing me that all emotions are f*cking beautiful.

Thank you for sitting next to me and listening gently, when grief and fear and loneliness took their toll on my weary soul.

Thank you for seeing my power, when I did not know I had any.

Thank you for teaching me that tears aren’t little drops of weakness, but a courageous healing elixir.

Thank you for all those roaring belly laughs and yummy cups of blueberry green tea.

But most of all,

Thank you for believing in me.

I believe in you, too. With my whole heart.

Soul sister, I would not be standing here if it weren’t for you.

Saying thank you will never feel even close to enough, so I’m lighting a candle, right now, to honor you:

Your beauty, your strength, your wild heart, your power, your wisdom, your voice, your pain.

I see you.

I celebrate you.

I believe in you.

I can’t wait to see all the joy you spread into the world, with those colorful wings of yours.

I am so grateful to know you.

Soul sister, let’s go make some epic magic.

Let’s paint the world with our delicious dreams.

Let’s seek truth,

With joyous tears in our eyes.

Windswept smiles on our faces.

And tender bravery in our souls.

I will always be grateful, soul sister,

You helped me

Find the way

Back to myself.


Author: Sarah Harvey

Editor: Caroline Beaton 

Image: Flickr/all.consuming




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