June 27, 2017

This is what we must Do to Keep Love Alive. {Poem}

Author’s note: There is a way to love like never before, and I know it. It may take all of our boldness to blaze a new trail, but that sounds intriguing as hell—doesn’t it? 


If your love doesn’t ignite sparks from your soul,
If it doesn’t make you feel more alive
If it isn’t inspiring every trembling part of you—

Take to the woods and be alone.

Your love is not love.
It’s death.
It’s withering.
It’s slavery.
It’s false certainty wrapped in roles and masks.
It’s the suffocation of your spirit.

Taste spaciousness
Find truth
And let it burn you
Into realness
Let the fire of your heart speak to you.
Let tears wash down your cheeks
And remember the diamond you actually are.

Love that is love beacons vibrancy—
It is the molten truth of aliveness
It sets us free like falcons
And applauds the pulse of our every soaring wingbeat.

If your love is more of a cage
But with less air and less space
If your love makes you feel small or meek or invisible
If your love is too freakin’ comfortable—

Take to the woods and be alone.

Let silence have you.
Sit next to a waterfall and be soaked in stillness
Shout and howl out loud
Return to the arms of the earth herself.
Breathe in the majestic pine trees, and remember how magnificent you are.
How whole.
How shining.

No one can complete you.
There is no such thing.
Only you can call back the shattered bits of your soul
And be the shaman of your own heart.
No one can hold you up.
Or fix you.
But you never needed that
Don’t think so little of yourself.

If your love is jealous
If it’s insecure
If it criticizes, condescends, or undermines
If it’s a convenient place to hide—

Take to the woods and be alone.

Find no answers, only a thousand new questions.
Please yourself in this way.
Be this bold.
Take off certainties and masks
Rip open the forbidden areas
And be naked with your Self.
You have to be—
If you want to feel alive
Dazzling from your head to your toes, pulsing hot and wild with soul
Then you will have to risk it all
By being brave enough not to drown in someone else.

Your life is yours.
Your heart is yours.
Your path is your own.
You can share it with another
Who makes the way sweeter simply by being who they are.
But it is your journey.
Stop forcing.
Stop reaching.
Stop denying who you really are
And letting another lead the way.

Take to the woods and be alone.

Sit down.
See how enough this is.
See how delicious it is to spread your wings
And think of your own desires
And know what you need.
And remember all the magic you’re meant to create
Independent of a lover.

The long-forgotten foundation of all love.

All else is not love.
It’s grasping.
It’s co-dependence.
It’s addiction.
It’s fear.

So, brave one—
Settle not
For a one-dimensional, co-dependent love affair.
Settle not
For what seems like safety.
Settle not
For what others have done before.

Blaze your own path.
Mold love into a masterpiece of what lights you up.

Be heard.
Be seen.
Be big.
Be wild.
Be weird.
Be all of you.
Feel everything.

And if your love is the love that sparks fire inside you
If your love leaves you in awe and trails breathless kisses down your neck
If your love knows you’re magic
If your love is as sweet as the love you give yourself—

Take to the woods and be alone.

Remember yourself, always.
Never stop doing this.
Keep an ongoing dialogue with yourself.
Keep the embers of your inner adventure smoldering hot.

This is what will keep love alive.

Your ignited relationship with your Self.
The remembering that who you are is medicine.
The knowing that God is pressed into your presence alone.
The truth that you are on your own adventure.

And we forget it all the time, but
Love that is love is as spacious as air
As freeing as a cool summer breeze on warm, sticky skin.
It only nudges you closer to who you are.



Relephant read:

Maybe Love is like a Firefly.


Author: Sarah Harvey
Image: Maxpixel
Editor: Yoli Ramazzina
Copy editor: Danielle Beutell
Social editor: Callie Rushton

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