March 29, 2011

The Yoga Farmer…and friends (video). ~ Joe Yeoman

I am so glad I am learning yoga from Billy at the Yoga Workshop here in Boulder. As much as I hate to admit it, I am progressing with and actually enjoying yoga.

If I had been exposed to this video as a child, I would have been terrified of and subsequently avoided yoga for the rest of my life. Downward dogs would be less appealing than a teeth cleaning.

Off the subject, but these videos make me wonder how much money is wasted in television. I mean, really? They are paying a cast, crew, director, team of song writers, and this Yoga Farmer to make this. Seems like a waste of resources.

I find the lines—”I do yoga in a barn”, “Come play yoga with me now”—juxtaposed with a “yoga rooster”, random kid with a soccer ball, and all the hugs to be frightening. And amusing.

Is this really how we want to introduce yoga to our kids? Or are there better ways?


Joe Yeoman loves you. He is an MFA candidate at the Jack Kerouac School. As a displaced Chicago writer and editor, he hopes to see the Windy City soon. You can contact him at Joeyeoman [at] gmail [dot] com. Follow him on twitter @themindfullife, @walkthetalkshow, and @joeyeoman. Friend him of Facebook.

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