September 24, 2018

Ode to the Unf*ckwithable Woman. {Poem} 

My Power as a Woman.

I stand in my power
As a woman

Feet planted firmly on the ground
Connected to Mother Nature
Rising up through the earth

Coursing through my body
Spilling out above me into the universe
Connected through my being



Not from anything I do
Not from anything I’ve achieved
Not from anything I’ve created

But a deep power from within

It sits in my heart
My gut
My womb
My soul
My mind

It flows through me
And radiates out of me
A strength like no other

I didn’t realise its full power until now

I am stronger than I ever imagined
I feel it with every fibre of my being

Rising up with my sisters
For all the years we’ve been torn down

Stepping in to our power as women
Not trying to be men



A Queen

A Goddess

Free to be me.


Bonus: Maya Angelou narrating, “Phenomenal Women.”


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Ellie Burscough

author: Ellie Burscough

Image: Manuel Meurisse / Unsplash

Editor: Julie Balsiger