January 17, 2020

Losing Faith? How to Believe in Love Again.

Another bad date and I think I’m going to be physically sick.

Not just sick and tired, but sick. I think I’m ready to be eaten alive by rats. I’ve had enough of love.

Ever felt like that? Don’t give up on love just yet.

Here are three simple things you can do to regain your faith in love:

Take a Step Back

Take a step back and have a better evaluation of what’s happening around you. I get how important it is for you to find someone and to create the relationship that you truly desire, but what about your other desires and wishes for yourself?

Take a step back and evaluate your physical well-being and mental well-being. What about your friendships and relationships outside of that romantic relationship? What about your career goals and your development?

When you feel good about yourself, when you create joy in your life, it’s more likely that you will attract that person. I’ve coached quite a few guys and they were telling me the kind of woman that they would like to meet. Guess what’s the number one wish? They want someone fun. They want someone full of joy.

If you’re in a place where you’re losing faith in love, take a step back for a moment from love and think how can you create more joy in your life? What is something that you wanted to do for ages, but never did?



Stop Hugging Your Phone

You look at Sally’s great relationship where she’s posting her engagement ring and 50 roses that her man gave her.

You’re thinking, “This is so far from where I am. I am lonely. I am by myself. There’s no way that I will ever find this.”

The most important thing to remember is that you don’t know what Sally’s relationship is like because you don’t live with Sally and her man. And even if you did, there’s no such thing as a perfect relationship. We are all mad here and extremely difficult to live with.

You are doing yourself a disservice by comparing. Imagine this. You are “overweight” and you compare yourself to a fitness model who’s got a six-pack. Little do you know that she’s been a gymnast since the age of five and she’s showcasing that six-pack on her Instagram feed after fasting for two days to make those abs really pop.

You don’t know what someone’s life is like. Always remember that what you see on social media is not a reflection of someone’s reality.

Hug your phone less and create your own highlights. Not only will it help you to feel great about yourself, but you will also rebuild your faith in love.



Find a Positive Love Story

I did not have the best love examples when growing up. The way my parents were with each other was far from how I would like to be my partner, and it didn’t give me the best love foundation. Is that you?

Later in your life when you are starting your relationship, you may have certain ideas of how that relationship might be and you may carry certain beliefs with you.

I have to make sure I’m independent financially because he might leave me.

I can’t be investing too much into this relationship, because it will end anyway.

I have to be strong, so I can leave anytime when things get tough.

It’s important that you find a positive love story around you as an example. A couple who shares a beautiful bond. You look at their relationship and you can feel that it’s filled with love, mutual respect, and great communication. Spending time with these people will help you to rewire how you see relationships and it will help you to have more faith in love.

Now I’d like to hear from you. What’s that one thing you can do to regain your faith in love?


Make sure you check out my YouTube channel for more relationship and dating advice.


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Ieva Kambarovaite  |  Contribution: 1,630

author: Ieva Kambarovaite

Image: Author's own

Editor: Naomi Boshari