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February 28, 2022

How Do you Say Goodbye?

Photo by ANTONI SHKRABA on Pexels.

“It started with a handshake and ended with a kiss.”

I read this on my ex’s social media feed.

I admit initially I was checking to see how he was doing . I’m certain he was doing the same . It is hard letting go of someone with whom you have intimately shared your life.

Let’s face it

Breaking up is hard to do!

I am one who chooses to end with an embrace and kiss which some appreciate and others not so much. I feel it provides closure. I guess it is what I need. Maybe that is entirely selfish.
I understand this way of parting may be confusing and not always be well received but shouldn’t we be able to part with sweetness wishing the very best for our partners?
I guess this depends on who is ending the relationship and the acceptance of it all which is a pretty big thing to accept.
Some relationships are not meant to last a lifetime this is reality .
When there is stagnation a death creeps in and sucks the life from the living.

I might be the one who has typically pulled the plug in my relationships however,  it takes me time to fully process and learn from the experience before I move on.

Today I’m thinking more about my last relationship and how it ended.

It likely went on well past it’s expiration date I’m sure . One thing that came out of the relationship was acknowledgment that I had work to do still from my marriage . It was that “ aha moment- like a scene in a movie. You know the one where the heroine realizes she is in the wrong movie ?

That aha moment – was my realization that I had work to do ! Healing work !

Often we might come to realize that the relationships we are in is an allusion of love.

This is the painful practice relationship. The one that is a mirror of pain and ends in couples separating .

I do believe that all relationships help us grow on a certain level and they can also serve to be reminders of healing work we need to do !

How do you say good – bye? There is no right or wrong way or is there?

My feelings are let’s try to do the least amount of harm let’s try to be kind .

A few years back I ended a serious, committed common law relationship. It didn’t end the way he wanted. I wanted it to end not the other way around. He didn’t take it well!
This too is a painful experience as there is no easy way to let go. I do believe it was the best thing for both of us. Often we can be so focused on the other person’s deficiencies and problems that we lose focus on what we can control- ourselves .

Saying good- bye can be a gift, an opportunity offering the one we love the opportunity to grow. I did end my last relationship with an embrace and a kiss and reflecting I have ended every relationship this way. This is meant to be loving and I do always wish the very best.

I hope this reflective inquiry was helpful.
We are all human and part of being human is learning and evolving. Tonight as I write I’m ever so grateful and my heart brims with love.

I hope this is the same for my former lover. Oh, life has never been the same .

Sending peace love and light

May you be well!

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