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July 23, 2021

Moth Finder: Drawn to the Light

Photo by Alen Kuzmanovic on Pexels.

I’m on holiday in Ontario and spending time daily outdoors.

This feels healing and so very right!

There are moths everywhere.

I tell myself there is an high amount this year due to weather and insects.

The number I scientifically rationalize however, their behavior I am puzzled by.

They have devastated trees and as humans we see the negative effects and we judge harshly.

My analytical reasoning brain wants answers and my intuitive side says there is a reason and it isn’t science.

My intuition sees that perhaps the winged guest is a messenger, a symbol for further shadow work and world healing both personally and in nature.

You see nature always knows what it is needed  and even thought we see the forest devastation as a negative it is part of very intricate cycle and rhythm that only nature knows.

Thankfully, I see the beautiful in both the dark and the light, the pain and the healing. During the morning and the night I am awakening to life and love as it slowly unfolds.

My heart is stirred with new hope and new beginnings and I know that I am not alone for the world’s inhabitants are all clinging to hope.

Hope transforms us and restores.

The world is slowly waking up.

This is a beautiful and scary thing this collective world awakening- this healing.

Today the moths flit and fly landing on my face, hair and shoulders.

Deep in the forest the moths lead the way.

I follow them as the light gently cascades between the green, falling softly on me.

I am mesmerized and enchanted.

Many people do not like moths the nocturnal creature of the night.

I have come to love the moth just as much as I love the Butterfly and today it is a message for me. The message is for me to return to my own internal light.

The light that tells me that ” everything is alright and I have everything I need within.

It is time to move past limiting beliefs and break- free.

It is time to let go of fears and take a gigantic leap forward.

It is time to meditate on ” love” time to feel the love vibration and transcend.

Love can take us higher.

Like a moth that flutters near the light so am I to love

With the night I gently exhale and come back home to the life and love that awakens

Nature is beautiful and we have much to learn. Nature speaks if we will listen.

Let the love take us all higher.

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