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February 27, 2022

Dear Therapists

Photo by Pavel Danilyuk on Pexels.

I often write during my work commutes. Sometimes entire articles come to me and other times poetry flows. Today during my turtle slow commute down nearly white- out streets the writing  comes to me as do the tears. The past two years have been difficult to be human and challenging as a therapist. At the start of the pandemic I wrote a talk for Insight Timer titled ” Pandemic Sessions – A Therapists Perspective and the feedback and outpour of love that I received was overwhelming and positive. Today I think about this talk and what I want to offer now to therapists. This is what speaks to my heart.

Dear Therapists of 2020 and Beyond:

I hope this letter finds you well in body, mind and spirit. I have been wanting to writer to you for some time now. I have so much I want to share. My heart has grown expansive since the start of the pandemic and my own grief and loss has been triggered many times over. When my heart aches I write and create and this is my own medicine and healing. We need activities outside of work that fill our heart and soul now more than ever,

Dear ones, You may be depleted from your work and feeling burned out. This is normal and to be expected. Now is the time to fill up your cup daily. Our work will continue to as waves of mental health and addictions continue rise. This work is a marathon not a sprit.

You may find yourself anger and frustrated this is normal too. No one prepared us for this. There is no graduate program, master class or advanced study that ever could. What you are learning now is in real time and the curriculum is extensive and the content changes daily.

Be kind to yourself first and then others. This work calls for self compassion and empathy and to avoid becoming apathetic one needs to practice the sweetest kindness first to self.

Allow yourself time to grieve. Everything has changed in the world and your work has too. We have all lost people. We have colleagues that have passed away as well as family and friends. Every emotion that rises needs to be felt. We are all human beings living and working in a pandemic.

Practice daily gratitude and appreciation of every moment and all the sweet joy that exists each day. Take no one and nothing for granted.

Create a self care survival kit and start using it daily. This will help recharge batteries and bring back the spark of life.

Ground in your own spirituality whatever this is for you. Connect with creation and meditate on life.

Breathe and move your body daily.

Darling ones find activities outside of work and do things that help to set your heart on first. Ignite the senses and engage in life and living.

Let go of grievances and focus on what is going well.

Create a tribe of people to support, enrich and guide.

Let go of what isn’t yours to carry.

Remind yourself this day and everyday that you are a gift and everything you do is a gift. We are all here on this journey together. In isolation we are small and weak and together we are strong.

This is the end of this letter for now. I sigh as I am nearly at my clinic. I slowly try to park my car and get stuck on a side street. I attempt to get unstuck driving forward and back while saying a prayer. Out of nowhere a man approaches the car and pushes me out and I am off again with a sigh and a wave. I give thanks as another tear rolls down my cheek.

I am so grateful for humanity.  In  all of our failing and weakness there is hope for there is so much good to be found. If we look we will see love and compassion and this brings hope.

Namaste Dear Friends,


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