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March 19, 2022

The Rough Patches That Become A Great Quilt

Photo by Anna Tarazevich on Pexels.

I am not a seamstress and yet I do know how to weave a yarn of stories. I know how to transform difficult and painful experiences into something other. We all have periods in our lives that are rough. Some of us have more than others. These rough patches change us either for the good or bad and sometimes even leave us feeling ” stuck”

How do we take such experiences and use them for something other?

This is something which is difficult to teach and yet we all have this gift within us we just need to be open to the process. This my friends is a gift and this gift can be yours.

Let me take you on a journey and it starts at the very beginning of your life your “birth” the greatest patch of all.

Stay with me here this is just the start and it will make sense I promise.

The day you were born you will not recall yet your mother and other family members recall this day in detail. This was the roughest patch. The day you were born is your most eventful, difficult day on earth and you are still here.

You made it you came out the other side ” earth side”.

This will forever remain your most challenging one. Birth is our greatest trauma here on earth.

Once you believe that this day was your most difficult challenge it is easy to believe that one can get through anything after.  It is onward and upward from here my friends.

The rest of the patches are sprinkled between times of peace and calm and smooth sailing. We all yearn for peaceful waters and yet is is the turbulent waters that help us to develop and grow. These rough patches in life are the most beautiful patches after they pass for we are renewed, resurrected and transformed. This only happens if we take the rough and form it into something other.

This is true alchemy. Taking pain and transforming it into other doesn’t have to be a creative pursuit it can be as simple as integrating the pain into Joy. Joy is not the same as happiness. Joy can be found in the rain and after the storm. Joy is sublime, it is acknowledging the sweet sacred moment called life. The alchemy happens when we celebrate this Joy and realize that everyone gets caught in the rain. Every now and then everyone falls asleep in the boat and gets rocked by life’s storms and then we struggle and we fight. We wake and begin again and we find solid ground.

If today is hard and you are struggling acknowledge and accept the now. This is a rough patch. All rough patches pass as nothing lasts forever. Every moment is a moment and each patch becomes a part of quilt that is your life. In turn every life and every individual quilt is a part of culmination of a great tapestry we call humanity and earth.

Today if you find yourself stuck start small. Small is the start and then we breathe, take a step and slowly begin to forge forward and become the change that moves us past the rough patch.

Stay here and now and together we shall write the greatest stories and create a masterpiece called ” life”

I know this can be true for I can barely thread a needle and I have learned to weave a beautiful quilt one that I keep adding to one patch at a time.

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