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April 25, 2022

Treetops: A Poem For Trauma Survivors

Photo by Ave Calvar Martinez on Pexels.

Doing grief and trauma work is hard. Therapists acknowledge this yet no one knows this better than a trauma survivor.

Pain is a difficult emotion and so are the many hues of  grief. You see emotions of grief are like a sunrise or sunset there are many colors and yet they all bleed into one. The colors are like the emotions and they rise and fall, come and go and ebb and flow.

When you are doing the work one can get caught up in a tsunami of ” feelings” that come from out of nowhere. We can get caught off guard and caught in the rain of the past still here raining down on our ” pretty planned day”. This is the old stuff we are processing and this is more than difficult.

Thankfully, nature heals us and grounds us. The trees are my warriors and in Chi gong we practice a standing pose called tree pose. This pose is challenging and creates endurance and patience. We learn to let go and release. A standing meditation or sitting meditation is a good start to reading the following poem.

This poem is for those that are struggling and needing some grounding. I encourage you to find a quiet place where you can read the following out loud.

Why out loud?

There is power in the spoken word, There is power and healing in our own voice.

The healing journey is a challenging one and you can take time and breaks to do the work you need to do

Dear One,

If you find yourself barely moving and it is hard to catch your breath look up at the treetops.

Let the treetops take you higher.

Rise up to the very top of the trees.

Let your spirit rise.

Soar here with leaves and let go of all that is heavy.

Be with the sweet rustle and caress of the breeze.

Hear the song of birds and watch the passing of clouds.

Here you will catch your breath and come back to earth falling softly.
Wrap your arms around yourself for you are home.

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