November 13, 2012

My Lover. {Adult}

My lover,

I close my eyes, there is nothing else, no one else,

but your scent, your voice, your skin,

the heat,

a banquet for my senses.

Iʼm in a haze, lost in a dream and in between,

while outside a frenzied world fades,

you are a soft and welcome shadow,

my angel, lie with me, hide with me,

let me kiss you…

Like the sweetest flowing honey, you are my ambrosia,

I savor you, my sustenance.

Your hands are warm, your mouth like fire,

so teasingly, softly, you bite me,

Iʼm scalded in my own paradise,

my lover…

Your velvety lips, masterful, moist tongue

are achingly enticing, soft and…oozy,

relishing my flavor.

Your bristly, unshaven face, your little nibbles, a ticklish delight,

how I would sell my soul for this devil’s

bargain, my toy.

I crave you, my fetish, my goody,

somewhat salty and unrefined,

scrubby and degenerate, seedy,

uncensored, spoiled and brilliant,

bittersweet, semisweet, I lick you up.

Tongue on tongue, a deliciously steamy cocktail

of whiskey, lemon, peppermint, cherry,

an ice-hot tingle to my core,

Iʼm reeling…

Pleasure immeasurable, I abuse you, my opiate,

for each finger, every precious toe is my bounty,

my lover.

Sweet remedy you are to my veins,

as you are my pill, I swallow you,

my smoke, I draw you in.

I empty my glass, for you are my wine,

in my own desert,

Iʼm never satiated;

in chains I am bonded, unlock me.

You are a magnet, alluring, seducing, enticing,

my lover.

On fire, engulfed in your presence,

Iʼm smoldering,

surrender to my magic.

I am yours, you are mine,

melt into me,

Iʼm drinking,

my lover,

my lover…

Yale Weinberger writes poems about love and its beautiful colors and flavors in sexual expression. She thinks anyone who has been in love and has had a craving or longing can relate to her words. Her words relate to the ultimate expression and the beauty of passion and appetite. With love, she hopes you enjoy her words and they reach your heart and all the right places.



Editor: Jennifer Townsend

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