March 23, 2013

Eight & a Half Earth Hour Things.

Slacktivists Unite! In the Dark!

1. elephant‘s incredible earth hour video, which we did years ago.

2. A bunch of the most creative Earth Hour videos ever.

3. True Green 101: “You know what’s really green? Going into a building and analyzing mechanical, plumbing, and lighting systems for ways to save energy by changing control sequences and operations. Do you know why no one cares? It’s not a product you can buy. So even though I can establish a 30-40% reduction to a building’s electrical usage by recurring investigations, it doesn’t get much attention.”

4. “Earth hour is a joke.” A lot of too-cool-for-school hipsters and Republicans (and my friend Gwen) love to hate on Earth Hour. “It doesn’t do any good, really!” But: protests and marches don’t do any good, really, by that criteria. What do they accomplish? And yet…Civil Rights. Let’s remember: “Earth Hour is about raising awareness, not cutting emissions by not using lights for an hour.”

5. Don’t love Earth Hour? Turn off the lights anyway. Turn off the wifi. Enjoy candles, a bath, some love, a night hike. Why? It’s romantic. It’s fun. It’s something different.

It’s stuff we’ve done for centuries, and hardly do anymore. Enjoy night as night.

6. Things White People like:

Raising Awareness

What makes this even more appealing for white people is that you can raise “awareness” through expensive dinners, parties, marathons, selling t-shirts, fashion shows, concerts, eating at restaurants and bracelets. In other words, white people just have to keep doing stuff they like, EXCEPT now they can feel better about making a difference.

7. Awesome images over at The Atlantic. Click each image to “turn off the lights.” More wow photos from all over the world from Boston.com (click them to see lights turn off).

8. A free Earth Hour game for children:

8.5: Bonus, the official video with the cheesiest song ever (and, Miranda Kerr offering yoga):

I like this one, more:

Bonus: count the sweet, sweet fails! Plastic bottles, pvc yoga mats, and the lights on. Still, she talks about offsets for the travel, which is right on…and it’s sweet she’s involved and trying (more than most celebs)—and making yoga accessible, fun and even more mainstream is a win.

Update: apparently the yoga class including tons of eco education and something about using less plastic…and her involvement resulted in 1000s signing up to get involved in Earth Hour. Okay, we give in: awesome.

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