January 6, 2009

After too-close-to-call election, Al Franken pronounced winner of recount…by 225 Votes.

It’s Congressman Al Franken to you, buddy.

This has got to be the death-knell for the doesn’t-really-matter-if-I-vote-crowd—on both sides of the aisle. From the NY Times:

Al Franken, the comedian who became a Democratic pundit and then a politician, won November’s election for the United States Senate by 225 votes out of 2.9 million cast, according to the finally completed recount results certified on Monday by the state’s independent canvassing board…read the rest here.

And from the National Post:

Before Al Franken got into politics, he was a well-known satirist and comic that worked both on Air America radio and a little show called Saturday Night Live. Now, Franken, 57, appears to have won a tight, fiercely combated senate race in Minnesota, beating his opponent Norm Coleman, by an estimated 225 votes. Minnesota is no stranger to odd political types. Jesse ‘the Body’ Ventura became that state’s governor in 1998 and served through 2003. But how funny is the guy who Minnesota elected its representative in the Senate? Herewith, a look at Al Franken’s Top Five moments in comedy.

5. Though Franken worked on SNL during the show’s drug years, the actor was never exactly svelte. Watch his high kick at the end of this Stones’ song. Those tight white pants look like their ready to split.

4. Self-help guru Stuart Smalley was Franken’s best known Saturday Night Live character, though the film version of this warm cuddly man didn’t exactly take off. Check out the film trailer. Who knew Night at the Roxbury wouldn’t be far behind?

3. When Al Franken met Bill O’Reilly at the Los Angeles Book expo, it certainly was more explosive than the usual lecture by a history professor of some non-fiction book. These are just a few of the dialogue highlights: “This idiot goes on for 30 minutes,” “Shut up, you had your 35 minutes,” “Can you please control him?” It sounds more like a Gran Torino out-take than a book talk.

2. “Where did Rush Limbaugh get his statistics?” Franken asks. “From his butt.” This is a trailer from Franken’s 2006 film, by the makers of The War Room, and features vintage Franken. What makes it so cool? Check out the score by the Rolling Stones. (Watch video number five — even in politics, Franken’s tastes never completely changed).

1.Listen to Stephen Colbert and Al Franken mix it up. “A black…read the rest here.

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