October 7, 2013

Huge Corporation could be successful in un-buying our Vote to fight Climate Change, unless… {Video}

This might not seem like your issue, but it is. It’s about climate change. It’s about a corporation buying its way out of a lost vote, two years ago. And all we have to do is watch it and share it and we can make enough noise to win this—again—a fight of $17K and We the People against limitless $$$ and one big, greedy, slow-to-change coal-loving out-of-state corporation.

As of now, polls show the vote as too close to call. Why? Didn’t Boulder citizens vote to make their energy independent, green, stable and affordable two years ago, a process called Municipalization? Haven’t studies since showed that they can do so? Yes, and yes. But now Xcel has created a new ballot that, if passed, will gum up the works, protecting Xcel’s 35 million in profits each year and keeping us tethered to a fossil fuel future. And they’re spending $500 thousand (so far) to make sure we’re suffiiciently confused about what the ballot is all about, and who created it.

So We the People have created a rival ad. Only problem is, we have 1/10th to 1/30th the money of the other side. So we need you. Anywhere. If you care about a clean energy future, help Boulder break through. Here. Now. Help.


From New Era Colorado:


Voting starts next week, and Xcel Energy just bought $100,000 worth of TV ad space in Boulder for their fear campaign.

It’s time to ramp up–so we’re launching an ad of our own tomorrow to reach voters as they’re making up their minds. We know from our outreach work that once voters hear the real story, they’re with us–voting NO on 310.

Watch the ad & give $5 to keep it on TV until voters get their ballots next week!

Every Boulder voter will have a ballot in hand by the end of next week, so the next 10 days of our campaign are absolutely critical.

This ad will help us reach more Boulder voters before they get their ballots–so that they know Xcel Energy is behind measure 310 & is trying to keep us from doing what 29 other cities in Colorado have already done.

It is going to be a close election. Help us make sure voters know the truth behind measure 310 and vote NO.

Contribute $5 to keep our ad on TV for the next 10 days.

4 weeks left to win.

– The New Era team

Keep our ad on TV!

We need to keep our ad on air until voting starts, because now’s the time when voters are making up their minds.

Give today to help us keep the ad on the air for 10 days!

Click here.

Here’s the new ad:

Vote no on 310 to support Boulder’s path to create a new clean energy model.

Voting no allows us to join the 29 other cities in Colorado that already run municipal electric utilities, including Longmont and Fort Collins. We’re guaranteed to have cheaper, cleaner, and more reliable power or else we won’t move forward!

More information at http://empowerourfuture.org


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