February 4, 2009

Chinese / Tibetan New Year: Year of the Ox. Poem & Gifts.


Via Shambhala Buddhist Carol Johnstone comes this poem via the Handbook of Chinese Horoscopes about what’s in store for us in the Eastern New Year, and there’s commentary below, and a link to her elegant Year of the Ox gift cards!
This year’s poem is quite interesting — very Obama I think and rather a relief:

The Ox

Mine is the stabilizing force
that perpetuates the cycle of life.
I stand immobile against the
test of adversity,
resolute and unimpeachable.
I seek to serve integrity,
to bear the burdens of righteousness.
I abide by the laws of nature
patiently pushing the wheel of Fate.
Thus, I shall weave my destiny.

[From The Handbook of Chinese Horoscopes by Theodora Lau. Harper Collins Publishers. 2007.]

An extended version of the earth Ox is:

This is an enduring although less creative type of Ox who is always faithful to his ideals and principles. He becomes aware of his limitations and imperfections quite early in life. However, he will shine in any career he decides to undertake as he is practical, industrious and prepared to pay the price demanded for success. He contributes his share willingly and will favor practical and worthy endeavors. Security and stability are his two master goals.

Although he may not be sensitive or emotional by nature, he is cap0able of sincere and lasting affection and will be loyal and steadfast to his loved ones.

He will fight for advancement constantly throughout his life and will endure difficulties and suffering without complaint. Purposeful and determined, this Ox will go far; it will be hard to push him back because he will never surrender captured ground. He maybe the slowest but surest of all the Oxen.

Interesting, eh?


Dear fellow sangha,

Year of the Earth Ox cards. 

I’ve updated my website with the poem and actual images of what cards and fridge magnets would look like:


Postage costs and times to the States:

within 10 business days: $5.00; within 7 business days: $15; overnight next business day: $35. Prices on the website are in U.S. dollars — the only default.

Prices directly from me are in the currency of your home:

small cards: 4.50 ea. (any 3 for $12)
large cards: ($7 ea. (any 3 for $18)
variety pack (2 small, 1 large, $15)
Fridge magnets ($2 ea. any 3 for $5)
large print (8.5 x 11: $15)

For those from “away,” the variety packs are only available directly through my web site.

You can also see and buy them at the Halifax Shambhala Centre — they’re in a basket in the hall across from Snow Lion room (writing a check is good — for security, though cash is fine too) and Drala Asian Bookstore and Gifts on Grafton.


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