January 26, 2015

Raising Awareness About Mental Health—One New Word at a Time.


“When the power of love overcomes the love of power the world will know peace.” ~ Jimi Hendrix

Did you hear about the super hero actor who is facilitating a shift in our cultural awareness about mental health?

Sinceriously. It’s happening.

Actor Stephen Amell—who plays the Arrow/Oliver Queen on the television show the Arrow—is doing it one word at a time.

Amell came up with a super cool new word—Sinceriously—through a lengthy dialogue with his fans on Facebook.

Sinceriously means:


And then Amell created a campaign to sell 1,000 Sinceriously t-shirts as a way to raise awareness and funds for two charities: Stand for the Silent (an anti-bullying nonprofit) and Paws & Stripes.

It’s no surprise that they passed their goal with 11,643 shirts sold so far.

Amell explained his idea on the Sinceriously Movement pledge website: “It’s a campaign to get people talking. And what better way to get people talking than by creating a new word.”

I’ve always adored the super power of words (especially poetry).

We can wield love or hate with our words, so I wonder about the strength of a word such as Sinceriously in our culture.

Will other celebrities—especially ones like Tina Fey—start using “Sinceriously” instead of “Seriously?”

Can’t you just see her saying this word?

And for us mere mortals without super powers or the super funds of actors—how can we act more sinceriously?

How do we become more genuine in our speech?

I’ve been thinking about this one, and I believe it begins by slowing down, and spending some time every day to go within—reflecting on who we Sinceriously want to be.

In other words, we can become our own super hero in our world by meditating on our words.


Let’s try it.


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Author: Jes Wright

Editor: Renee Picard

Images: Courtesy of the author.

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