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Back Pain and Other Unusual Signs of Lung Cancer

0 Heart it! Ravi Kumarr Gupta 49
October 28, 2018
Ravi Kumarr Gupta
0 Heart it! 49

Of the innumerate number of cancers recognized by medical science today, lung cancer stands as one of the most dangerous diseases. As per one of the prominent medical houses of the world, nearly 6 million lung cancer cases were registered in the year of 2017, of which only about one-fourth of the patients have been cured to the fullest. It is therefore highly recommended that the sooner a person gets diagnosed with the disease, the sooner he/she can be treated and the higher are his/her chances of survival.

Of the many symptoms that indicate lung cancer, back pain is one of the most of the most prominent ones. If you experience severe back pain that persists for a long, it’s best to get tested for lung cancer right away. In addition to this, there are many other unusual signs which indicate the presence of cancer in the lungs.

Coughing up blood

Although coughing up blood may not necessarily be a prominent sign of lung cancer, getting tested at the earliest is utmost important. Usually, cancer cells, in their phase of fast multiplication, destroy other normal cells, which can cause the body to cough out blood.

Pain in the Chest

In addition to back pain, chest and shoulder pain that’s new and doesn’t go away, also make for some unusual yet prominent signs of lung cancer. Physicians state that if a cancer tumor exists in the lungs, it typically causes tightness or sharp pain, which gets worse as a person tries to breathe deeply, coughs or laughs harder. Any kind of pain in the chest or nearing areas must not be avoided at all. Seeking the assistance of a physician is a must.

A persistent cough

Couching is a normal phenomenon which can be caused by as simple as an allergy, cold, or water running down the wrong pipe. But, if your coughing sessions never seem to end, it could be a prominent sign of something more serious, like lung cancer.

The presence of cancerous cells in the airways can irritate your throat and cause severe cough. They can further produce mucus, which leads to severe coughing. Don’t ignore this sign.

Shortness of Breath

If you’re starting to catch your breath after as simple as climbing only a couple of stairs, it’s not normal. It could be an unusual sign of lung cancer. Shortness of breath typically happens as a result of a tumor blocking the air pipe. It can also happen due to accumulation of fluid in the chest, which further makes it hard for the lungs to perform its basic function properly. Facing trouble in breathing while you’re sitting or even lying down on the bed can also be a sign of the presence of cancer in the lungs. If the problem persists, get tested immediately.

Feeling Fatigued more than Usual

If you feel tired and fatigued without even performing much strenuous exercise, it is a sign of trouble. Most oncologists state that feeling over-tired or fatigued may not directly indicate lung cancer, but it’s definitely a red flag that something is not right with your body. They further state that cancer cells make the body week as they destroy their neighboring normal, healthy cells. This, in turn, causes fatigue.

Diagnosis of Asthma

Being diagnosed with asthma suddenly – by no means guaranteed – serves as an unusual sign of lung cancer. While pulmonologists typically listen to your lungs, hear the wheezing sound, and treat it as asthma. It’s a good idea to get a scan done to make sure no tumor exists in the lungs or its surrounding areas.

Overall Body Pain

Usually lung cancer doesn’t showcase any symptoms until it has entered an advanced stage. However, headache, dizziness, problem in balancing and numbness in the limbs serves as some unusual yet prominent signs which indicate that lung cancer has spread to the brain or the spinal cord. Yellowing of the eyes and the skin further point that it may have also spread to the liver and lumps in the body.


This is another unusual symptom which can be a prominent sign of lung cancer. Hoarseness is generally experienced by a person when the body produces abnormal voice changes. It’s a situation wherein the voice starts to sound more rough, breathy, raspy, and strained. This happens because the tumor present in the lungs or its airways blocks the area leading to hoarseness along with many other related symptoms to surface.

Swelling of the Neck and the Face

While swelling has nothing to do with lung cancer, believe it or not, the two share some connection, making the former a prominent symptom of the later. Tumors can often pressurize the blood vessels, blocking the flow of fluids throughout the body. These fluids, then build up, causing swelling in the face and neck area.

Superior vena cava syndrome (SVCS) refers to the compression of one of the primary veins of the body which supplies blood from the neck, head, and upper chest area to the heart. In case of lung cancer and other types of cancers, SVCS serves as a common cause these chronic diseases.

Pneumonia Infection

People with severe pneumonia are considered to be at a higher risk of developing lung cancer. This is because, oncologists state that most tumor cells capture the infectious agents in them, inhibiting the body’s natural mechanism to destroying them and then using the same infection to spread across the body.

While and early stage of pneumonia is not as harmful as it may sound. An advanced stage, however, is an indication of trouble. If your pneumonia lasts for long and its symptoms start to worsen than improving even after taking medications, it’s time to get tested for lung cancer at the earliest.

Preventing Lung Cancer

Lung cancer can be really hard to detect until it has entered an advanced stage. But, why let body cells turn cancerous in the first place? Below mentioned are some classic and most recommended ways to prevent lung and other related cancers.

Quit smoking, both actively and passively.
Avoid having beta-carotene supplements.
Stay away from radon and asbestos.
Eat a healthy diet.
Exercise daily.
Live a healthy lifestyle.
Avoid coming in contact with allergies, which may cause lung infections.

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