The New Moon gives us a new opportunity for hope and renewal of our intentions, ideas and projects, its the perfect time to bring in the changes we want into our lives. It reminds us that no matter where we are in our developement, it doesn’t really matter! we always have an opportunity for rebirth and recommencement.
As a new moon represents the start of a new lunar cycle, it symbolises a new rise, ancient tribes from different cultures used the power of a new moon to clear old stagnant energies and set fresh positive ones.
New intentions are also about inspecting ourselves, being honest and letting go of what is no longer in alignment with our elevated purpose, it could be a harmful addiction, a toxic relationship or a negative sentiment, in order to bring the new into our being and life, we certainly need to clear the internal space and make room for what is to flow next.
Here are some practices that can be used prior or during the New Moon, you can choose the one that resonates with you or apply them all. Tune in and listen to your intuitive self to create your own personal practise, sometimes, all that is needed to do is lean into our intuition and trust that there are forces working behind the veil to elevate us further than we could ever imagine, remember that what is most important is the goodness behind the intentions you are setting for a real beginning of metamorphosis and evolution.
But before anything, TURN OFF your phone! (Yes! You can do it!) CLOSE your eyes, Sit comfortably and CONNECT to your breath by following your inhalation and exhalation, allow your breath to be interrupted, smooth and pacify the fluctuations of your mind.
SMUDGE away negativity
Smudging is a powerful practice to employ during the New Moon. Usually practised by indigenous people around the world, it involves the burning of holy herbs, flowers or incenses…Including many sacred types of sage, cedar, frankincense or salt. You can apply this around yourself, your indoor and outdoor environment. Start with a heartfelt intention and enjoy the uplifling smells carrying away negativity.
WRITE your mantras
Write down your wishes, resolutions, and desires and be as specific as you can, read your writings, step outside to be beneath the sky, barefoot on the ground or you can sit indoor and light a candle in offering, close your eyes and connect to your inner self, you can read your desires as much as you want, until it is released, trusting in it coming your way and into your life.
Some people prefer burning their writings or placing them into a bowl with crystals, other choose to journal and keep them. Do the practice the way it feels best for you.
– I am moving forward towards my highest and greatest good, for me and for my loved ones. I am releasing everything that no longer serves me. I am open to receive and build a new chapter in my life and watch my deepest good wishes unfold-
TAKE a bath
Run a bath with salts, essential oils, fresh flowers or herbal concoctions, you can use salt from your kitchen, nothing fancy is needed except a fancy and sincere resolution. Enter the bath and visualise the renewal of your energy in your body and mind. You can wrap it off with an uplifting affirmation.
The New Moon brings us the vivacity of beginnings and is a cosmic ally. It is a time to leave the past behind and let it go down the drain.
-I am renewed with this New Moon. I am replenished. I am open to new beginnings. I wash off any negative patterns. Like the moon, I am starting a new me-
BE grateful and GIVE thanks
As we open the door to the possibilities of what is about to step into our lives, it is essential to offer thanks for all that had happened in the last cycle. You can offer thanks to the creator, the universe and be grateful for all the experiences that lead you to this moment.
Give thanks to the Universe and the spiritual guides for hearing your intention and remember that genuine gratefulness will attract fullness in all aspects of your life.
CHANT or SING a bowl (or both)
The reverberating sound of the Tibetan Singing Bowl vibrates the water in our bodies, creating serenity and inner space, opens energetic pathways and clears blockages, singing Bowls date back to 2,500 years, originating in Eastern Tibet and are a wonderful add during the new moon to help us centre ourselves and be prepared for the changing cycle. You can also use chanting as a tool for transformation, pick a chant that works for you and let it transport you to a new and higher vibration.
Everyone is different and have a different approach to rituals, it is important that you tailor it to your personal needs, you can gather candles, flowers, crystals and objects to create an altar that you can come back to anytime you feel low and in need of a new boost.
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Thank you . I covered the list today <3 . Love and light