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Childfree? Yes. Childfree ? No. Childfree, Maybe.

5 Heart it! shruthi krishnaswamy 461
May 8, 2018
shruthi krishnaswamy
5 Heart it! 461

At 18, I wanted two kids. At 25, I just didn’t know. At 30, I thought, probably not. At 35, after the demise of both of my parents, I felt a strong desire, and wanted to see if it would last. By 37, the desire vanished.

At this juncture my husband and I do not want children. We do not have a desire to raise children. We have a beautiful, fulfilling and meaningful life, and devour every single moment we spend together. But then again, I always say “Never say Never”. Because life is impermanent. And if there ever comes a time when we both feel a strong desire to have a child, we will look at our options then. All we can really be is in the present moment. In the now. And cherish it completely.

To have or not to have a child is a personal and important choice for each individual or couple to make. Being childfree is a beautiful thing. Having a child is a beautiful thing too. Both wholesome. Both spectacular. Both unique. Why the need to compare the two? Why not respect each individual’s unique life journey, without feeling the need to persuade anyone, in any direction?

And on a different tangent, maybe if every single human being had a child, the world would not have enough resources to sustain itself. Who knows? The universe always has a reason, we just don’t understand it all in every given moment. And that’s just ok. Let’s be ok with not understanding everything. Let’s be ok with uncertainty. Let’s be ok with impermanence. Because the only thing we know for sure, is that we don’t know it all!
Be here, be now. The journey is now.

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5 Heart it! shruthi krishnaswamy 461
5 Heart it! 461

shruthi krishnaswamy May 10, 2018 7:36am

Would love to hear comments !!

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