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Do You Have ESP?

1 Heart it! Cal Orey 128
October 10, 2018
Cal Orey
1 Heart it! 128

Do You Have ESP?

By Cal Orey

Have you always suspected you have ESP? Humans have five senses: hearing, smell, sight, taste, and touch. Do you have an animal-like sixth sense—a psychic sense? Ever predict the future, or sense imminent danger?

Recently, I realized that due to my Osage Indian roots that it may be in my blood to be super sensitive and the key to my being able to sense both good and evil. Also, since the age of 8, my teachers noted my “gift” of creative writing–which entails using the right brain–intuition. And my predictions often are similar to the creative process when I put together articles and books.

While many of my forecasts are about Earth changes (i.e., quakes, floods, wildfires, etc.), I also sense other things, whether it be economic ups and downs to winning a windfall at the local casino. I can tune into an upcoming good or bad event and often read the end result. And yes, I can and do channel into my companion animals–and read their minds. The spiritual part comes into play time after time, because I become proactive and prepare for the worst and hope for the best as well as forewarn others to be prepared, not scared.

Well here’s your chance to find out if you, too, have ESP or extraordinary perception by. Take this quickie quiz to see how sensitive you really are…

When the telephone rings at dinner time, you: 

A) automatically know who it is on the end of the line.
B) Keep your fingers crossed and hope it’s you know who.
C) Wonder if the pizza guy is lost.

After awakening from a dream that rocked your world, you:

A) quickly jot down the details and decode it all.
B) ponder the messages and are semi-intrigued.
C) forget all about it.

When facing a decision, you listen to your gut feelings about it:

A) always.
B) sometimes.
C) never.

You’re considering relocating. You:

A) use deep meditation to make your decision.
B) call some real estate agents to try to get a vibe about the new location.
C) stay put because you fear the unknown.

How often have you had an image or strange feeling about a friend or family member, to find out later that they were in trouble?

A) often.
B) sometimes.
C) never.

Have you ever felt like you’ve been somewhere or with someone before?

A) definitely.
B) once in a while.
C) not really.

Do you find yourself able to finish a person’s sentence?

A) yes.
B) occasionally.
C) no.

Do you believe humans and animals have a sixth sense and can sense oncoming natural disasters? 

A) undoubtedly.
B) maybe.
C) no way.

Do your dreams ever come true?

A) you bet.
B) once or twice.
C) never.

Ever think about someone, only to have them contact you within minutes or hours?

A) of course.
B) sometimes.
C) no.


The more A’s, B’s, and C’s you answer will tell you how sensitive or psychic you are. Some experts think humans have ESP (extraordinary perception by means other than physical senses). Some say it’s a mystery of nature. And some things humans know are unsolved mysteries—or are they?

Mostly A’s – Super Sensitive (empathetic, sensitive, sensual)

Congrats! You’ve got your psychic abilities in working order. You trust yourself and are a clear thinker who sees the signs through images, hunches and emotions. Jeffrey A. Wands, psychic and author of The Psychic in You (Simon & Schuster), says the Super Sensitive “acts upon her intuition.”

Time to Tune In: Adds LA celeb psychic Malena: “Intuitive people tend to be emotional sponges. Be mindful of your personal boundaries.” Most importantly, pay attention to dreams, visions, and your those little inner voices. There are gut feelings you must never tune out.

Mostly B’s – Hunch Honey (cautious, flexible, open-minded)

Sometimes you get a hot premonition and sometimes you don’t. “Hunch Honey has the same ability as the Super Sensitive but she doesn’t act on her intuition,” says Wands. “It takes her longer to trust her intuitive feelings.” But you can read some signs, sort of.

Time to Tune In: You often get those déjà vu feelings,” says Malana. “Don’t fear your inner knowledge. Your hunches can help you.” Next time you get a funny feeling, don’t tune it out!

Mostly C’s – Clueless Camper (conservative, headstrong, skeptical)

Unlike the Super Sensitive and Hunch Honey, this clueless person is out of touch. “She walks around in a constant fog. Her feelings are as unpredictable as the stock market. She relates on a totally intellectual level rather than a spiritual one,” explains Wands. “She thinks, ‘Intuition, what’s that?’”

Time to Tune In: “When you get a get feeling, go for it!,” says Malena. “Be receptive to clues no matter how silly they seem.” In other words, feel emotions, images and thoughts that come to you, and enjoy the gift of intuition.

So, tuning into your super powers is a sense of empowerment to be able to use special messages. These cues come to me in dreams, visions, word/picture images, body signs–anxiety, headaches, a knot in the stomach that something if “off”–as well as observing Mother Nature;  and also feeling a hunch and/or picking up on vibes from a place, slot machine, wildlife to people. What’s more, I do not believe white light power can stop some things from happening, but I do know we can toy with our destiny or fate to a point.  The key is to not tune out our intuition or gut instincts but tune into it for self-preservation–taking care of our mind, body, and spirit.

The healing powers of intuition also can provide peace of mind. But sometimes, my spiritual guides can be pesky or even “a curse” when I sense something negative will happen. One more thing. Positive thoughts, of course, can help heal ourselves and others and stop negative things from happening–but sometimes it is not enough and we must be like a fierce warrior and take action and that in itself makes me a “healing type medium.”

Cal Orey is a well-known author-intuitive. She is a frequent News Segment guest on Coast to Coast AM to dish out upcoming earthquakes. Also, the intuitive works two psychic networks and tunes into what is rocking callers’ world.








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