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Faith in the future and past.

0 Heart it! Robin G Howard 9
August 24, 2018
Robin G Howard
0 Heart it! 9

The future is in the past, no, sorry, it has yet to come, but it could be in the past. This is confusing. Is not life confusing? Who are we and why are we here? Gaze up at the sky on a dark night and watch millions of twinkling lights. That is if you can see through the brilliant haze of light pollution. It was never like that when gas lamps lit our streets. On a clear night, you could lie on your back on the pavement and view the Milky Way. No, it is not a chocolate biscuit; it is the inside of our galaxy. You now may ask what a galaxy is. No, it is not another chocolate, and it would take two paragraphs to explain it here. So please telephone your local astronomer for details. Do not phone the police. I once did when my daughter and I saw an unidentified object here in Thanet, Kent. The explanation was fast and emotional from me to the policewoman. “A red line came down and hit the atmosphere with a loud bang. It skidded across the skyline with two roaring massive vapour trails and then exiting on the horizon.” The voice at the other end said, “Y-e-s,” in a drawn-out manner. I replied, “If it had hit the earth, we all would be dead.” She answered, “y-e-s,” in the same manner almost yawning.  Please do not phone the police it leaves you deflated, and they baffled.

After that, I hope you never see any aliens. All I can say is that Police people are only interested in wayward humans. Sorry, I digressed I need to tell you about the speed of light. The only point you need to know is that it moves at 186,000 miles a second. This would be like a trip to the moon in one and a half seconds. If the sun went out, we would all instantly freeze to death, but you would be able to see it for another eight seconds blazing away. All this may be confusing I can assure it is to me. What comes to mind is that life is so fragile we could all reach the end of our existence in seconds. Yet we carry on with our lives thinking that only atomic weapons can wipe out humanity when all it needs is one huge rock.

Talking of aliens, we must go back in the past visiting the Garden of Eden. About this point, we must mention faith and a God. Adam and Eve must have been aliens or advanced Homo sapiens from the previous Homo range, advanced by the Gods or a God from the stars. Genetic engineering is the logical theory opposing the sudden creation from the dust of two human beings. That means religion must have travelled with these entities from other planets. This brings us to the present as hundreds of churches create branches all seeming to worship one God. Wow, this means when we are able to move great distances our faith will travel with us and become a spiritual birthplace of that planet. Later, the fact of five thousand years of religious doctrine distorted, misinterpreted and changed by man. The travellers would be gone their legacy progressing in mythology and legend indicating we are not alone. Now, do you understand? I wish I did, it is like fiction, but it sounds correct. We have now discussed going into the future and back to the past by moving to another planet. You can see the link I hope, if not read on.

We have a few problems moving into the future/past. There are worlds out there far in advance of us, and others still struggling to reach a perfect standard. How far have we advanced? We have reached the age of technology after nearly 3,000 years of conflict and barren misery. Fighting along the way with clubs and rocks and then swords followed by bows and arrows, bombs and artillery until finally atomic weapons of mass destruction. The uplift in civilisation has arrived in the last hundred years. So now, we have a standard and think civilised, maybe not quite yet. What is the problem?  Here, we all scratch our heads and tell the truth.


For all the advancement, can humankind ever reach a satisfactory conclusion of existence while the basic animal instincts in all prevail? The answer is, no. Why ever not we ask? That is why a God or Supreme Being came into practice in the beginning to nurture our emotions and moral standards. What a mess you say, and I must agree. Introduction of a God by whosoever, philosopher or inspired thought, has become unsound. Religion became humanised and debased, releasing a divine fanaticism. Ancient theology of various factions became a weapon to punish, kill and torture unbelievers especially in the larger religions. We now ignore what happened in the past and in a blind mode head toward the future. World domination by communist and nationalist ideas is now heading towards the debased religions for an answer. The world carries on as before wearing massive blinkers on its fevered brow with populations in a state of hypnotic slumber. Consumers rely on a market monetary policy that only half works some commodities going up all the time and down rarely.

Religious governments are as unstable as other world idealist doctrines and more powerful. Would you be happy living under one? I suppose the answer would be yes if deep in the faith. Unfortunately, fabricated interpretations of each particular religion have no regard for the freedom of man. They will tear democracy apart. Do you think that any religion should mingle with politics? It would cause absolute madness. Religious secret police would be enforcing theological dogma and democracy would be dead. Remember the Inquisition, speak against the church then placed in a chair and dipped in a pond. Hold the breath for 10 minutes–not guilty. If you drown–guilty. Both mean death. What a jolly period of time that must have been. Now, let us back to the plot. The underlying truth of a God is to become a better person spiritually; it is not a worldly ambition to dominate the planet. If a God belief prevails, it should be the Devil or Satan to claim world domination, would it not? The Devil would then need to be covert turning everyone against each other advocating murder, mayhem, and corruption on a vast scale. If these are the counterclaims of a God then why are some of the religions behaving in this way?


Do you sense danger as I do? This world waits in anxiety, religious and atheist, communist or nationalist, democrat or philosopher, to see who will be triumphant, good or evil. Would you want to carry the religion of today onto another planet? Do not forget this is possible within another two centuries and I cannot say ‘God help us’ listening to that question.




Author Robin G has been an entertainment manager, entertainer/vocalist, Theatrical producer and writer of several pantomimes including a UV version of Pinocchio that toured 20 theatres in the UK. While in the Royal Air Force, an actual supernatural dream-sequence occurred placing him at a future event. The knowledge that a part of our brain exists in another reality has shown him many unusual incidents named the sixth sense. He writes both fiction and non-fiction that includes the Jim Long Space Agent series of stand-alone science fiction fantasy stories in seven books revealing the distant future where sections of humankind and aliens have matured spiritually.


The non-fiction ebook – Magical theory of life – discusses our experience, history and its aftermath in non-religious spiritual terms. The Psychic Thinker – Taking a look at ourselves.  and

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